Institute annual report 1973

updates: February ?, 2024. Main version: February ?, 2024.

Human resources

Institute Head: Prof. Dr. Tiberiu Popoviciu, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy

Papers published in 1973

Note: papers appear here either because the author was hired here (the approximate years were reconstituted by Prof. Dr. Ion Păvăloiu), or due to the List of papers of the Institute members and of the Institute collaborators.

  • L. Bal, M. Mihoc, Representation of certain systems of equations by a nomogram with oriented transparency. (Romanian) Rev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei 2 (1973), 117–129. MR0383799
  •  Berţi, Ştefan N. On the interval equation AX+B= CX+D.Rev. Anal. Numér. Théorie Approximation (1973), 11–26.
  • Berţi, Ştefan N. On the solution of a certain system of Boolean equations. (Romanian) Rev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei (1973), 31–44, MR0373989
  • Gh. Farkas, O aplicatie a teoriei asteptării pentru analizarea comportării unor sisteme de calcul, Colocviul de teoria constructivă a functiilor, Academia R.S.R., Filiala Cluj, Cluj, 1973.
  •  Cimoca, Gh. An algorithm for the determination of the element of best approximation with constraints. (Romanian) Rev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei (1973), 51–59.
  • Gh. Farkas, Consideratii cu privire la dimensionarea si organizarea buferelor in unele sisteme de calcul, Sesiune de comunicări, Institutul Politehnic Cluj, Cluj, 1973.
  • S. Cobzaş, Mulţimi foarte neproximinale în c0Rev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei, 2 (1973), 137-141. (English translation here)
  • Gergely, Eugen La généralisation de la théorie polaire sur les ovales et les ovaloïdes. (Romanian) Acad. R. P. Romîne. Fil. Cluj. Stud. Cerc. Mat. 8 1957 143–160.
  • Gergely, Eugen Généralisation de la théorie polaire aux ovales et ovaloïdes. (Romanian) Com. Acad. R. P. Romîne 1957 307–311
  • Horvath, Ion On the absolute p-centers of a graph. The stability of the absolute p-centers. (Romanian) Rev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei 2(1973), 151–157.
  •  Jalobeanu, C. Inclusion relations between families of bounded languages. (Romanian) Rev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei (1973), 159–166.
  • Németh, A. B. Unrestricted differential n-parameter families. II. Relation with disconjugacy. Mathematica (Cluj) 15(38) (1973), 89–100.
  • Németh, A. B. Approximation theory and imbedding problems.Rev. Anal. Numér. Théorie Approximation (1973), 61–67.
  • Kramer, Horst; Németh, A. B. Equally spaced points for families of compact convex sets in Minkowski spaces. Mathematica (Cluj) 15(38) (1973), 71–78.
  • Kramer, Horst; Németh, A. B. Supporting spheres for families of independent convex sets. Arch. Math. (Basel) 24 (1973), 91–96.
  • Kramer, Horst Supporting spheres for families of sets in product spaces. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théorie Approximation (1973), 49–53.
  • Kramer, Horst Eine Schnitteigenschaft der Stützfunktionen kompakter Mengen im Rn. (German) Mathematica (Cluj) 15(38) (1973), 57–69.
  • Lupaş, Alexandru The best constant in an integral inequality.Mathematica (Cluj) 15(38) (1973), 219–222.
  • Németh, A. B. Disconjugacy of an equation by the disconjugacy of its equations in variation. Glasnik Mat. Ser. III 8(28) (1973), 229–245.
  • P.A. Petrişor, Sur un type de compactification, Mathematica (Cluj) 15(38) (1973), 263–287 (in French).
  • P. Ney, Research on the transportation problem. II, Rev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei 2 (1973), 201–209.
  • T. Popoviciu, Sur une formule de quadrature de S. Gołąb et C. Olech, Collection of articles dedicated to Stanisław Gołąb on his 70th birthday, Demonstratio Math., 6 (1973) part II, pp. 771-789 (1974) (in French) [MR0362853, Zbl 0298.65019].
  • T. Popoviciu, Application de la théorie des fonctions convexes d’ordre supérieur à l’étude de certains procédés d’intégration numérique des équations différentielles, Folia Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Purkyhnianae Brunensis, Ser. Monograph., Tomus 1, Purkyne Univ., Brno, 1973, pp. 241-245 (in French) [MR0359275, Zbl 0346.65030]. Proceedings of Equadiff III (Third Czechoslovak Conf. Differential Equations and their Appl., Brno, 1972), Miloš Ráb and Jaromír Vosmanský (eds.).
  • I. Păvăloiu, Sur la convergence d’une classe de méthodes itératives de J.F. Traub, Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 2 (1973), pp. 99-104 (in French).
  • A. Diaconu, I. Păvăloiu, Asupra unor metode iterative pentru rezolvarea ecuaţiilor operaţionale neliniare, Rev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei, 2 (1973) no. 1, pp. 61-69 (in Romanian).
  • A. Diaconu, Sur quelques méthodes itératives pour la résolution des équations opérationnelles, Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie d’Approximation, 1 (1973), 45-61 ( în colaborare cu I. Păvăloiu ).
  •  Ripeanu, Dumitru Sur un opérateur qui conserve l’allure d’une fonction. (French) Rev. Anal. Numér. Théorie Approximation (1973), 105–112.
  • Ripeanu, Dumitru On a certain operator that preserves the sign of a function and of its derivatives. (Romanian) Rev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei(1973), 105–111.
  • Gh. Cimoca, I. Şerb, On a generalization of the notion of convex functionRev. Anal. Numer. Teoria Aproximaţiei 2 (1973), 131–136. (in Romanian)
  • St. Țigan, Asupra functiei lui Lagrange generalizate pentru problemele de optimizare cu restrictii, Revista de analiza numerica si teoria aproximatiei, vol.2, 2, 1973, pp.211-222.
  • St. Țigan, On a method for fractional optimization problems. Application to stochastic optimization problems, Proc. of the Computer Sci. Conf., Szekesfehervar (Hungary), May 1973, pp.351-355.

Prizes, outstanding achievements

  • (to be completed)

Contracts at the Institute

  • (to be completed)

Editorial activity

  • (to be completed)


Conferences organized by the Institute

  • (to be completed) colocviile (??)

International scientific collaborations

  • (to be completed)

Prizes, outstanding achievements

  • (to be completed)

Membership in professional organizations

  • Tiberiu Popoviciu, SSMR member
  • ??, (to be completed)

Peer review

Members of international committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of national committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of PhD evaluation committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of PhD supervising committees

  • (to be completed)

Referee reports for peer reviewed journals:

  • (data not available)

Book reviews:

  • (data not available)


for the two major international databases.

For Mathematical Reviews:

  • (to be completed)

For ZBL Math:

  • (to be completed)