

Teodora Cătinaș
Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Iulia Buda
Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy


Cheney-Sharma operator; Stancu operator; modulus of smoothness; Lipschitz function

Paper coordinates

T. Cătinaș, I. Buda, An extension of the Cheney-Sharma operator of the first kind, J. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory, 52 (2023) no. 2, pp. 172–181,  https://doi.org/10.33993/jnaat522-1373


About this paper


Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory

Publisher Name

Publishing House of the Romanian Academy

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