Asymptotic properties of Kantorovich-type Szász–Mirakjan operators of higher order


In this paper we study local approximation properties of a higher order Kantorovich-type Szász–Mirakjan operator recently introduced by Sabancigil, Kara, and Mahmudov. We derive the complete asymptotic expansion for these operators. They generalize the Szász–Mirakjan operators of Kantorovich-type and approximate locally integrable functions satisfying a certain growth condition on the infinite interval \(0,\infty\).


Ulrich Abel
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Fachbereich MND, Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 13, 61169 Friedberg, Germany

Octavian Agratini
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Street Fântânele, nr. 57, 400320 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Mircea Ivan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Str. Memorandumului nr. 28, 400114 Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Linear positive operator; Szasz operator; Kantorovich operator; Stirling numbers.


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U. Abel, O. Agratini, M. Ivan, Asymptotic properties of Kantorovich-type Szász–Mirakjan operators of higher order, Mathematical Foundations of  Computing, 2023,

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[1] U. Abel, Asymptotic approximation with Kantorovich polynomial, Approx. Theory Appl. (N.S.), 14 (1998), 106-116.
[2] U. Abel and M. Ivan, Asymptotic expansion of the Jakimovski-Leviatan operators and their derivatives, in Functions, Series, Operators (Budapest, 1999), János Bolyai Math. Soc., Budapest, 2002,103-119.
[3] A.-M. Acu, I. C. Buscu and I. Rasa, Generalized Kantorovich modifications of positive linear operators, Mathematical Foundations of Computing, 6 (2023), 54-62,
[4] O. Agratini, Uniform approximation of some classes of linear positive operators expressed by series, Appl. Anal., 94 (2015), 1662-1669.
[5] F. Altomare, Korovkin-type theorems and approximation by positive linear operators, Surv. Approx. Theory, 5 (2010), 92-164.
[6] F. Altomare and M. Campiti, Korovkin-Type Approximation Theory and its Applications, vol. 17 of De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 1994, Appendix A by Michael Pannenberg and Appendix B by Ferdinand Beckhoff.
[7] M. Becker, Global approximation theorems for Szász-Mirakjan and Baskakov operators in polynomial weight spaces, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 27 (1978), 127-142,
[8] M. Becker, D. Kucharski and R. J. Nessel, Global approximation theorems for the Szász-Mirakjan operators in exponential weight spaces, in Linear Spaces and Approximation (Proc. Conf., Math. Res. Inst., Oberwolfach, 1977), Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., Vol. 40, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1978,319-333.
[9] H. Bohman, On approximation of continuous and of analytic functions, Ark. Mat., 2 (1952), 43-56,
[10] B. D. Boyanov and V. M. Veselinov, A note on the approximation of functions in an infinite interval by linear positive operators, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. R. S. Roumanie (N.S.), 14 (1970), 9-13 (1971).
[11] J. Bustamante, J. M. Quesada and L. Morales de la Cruz, Direct estimate for positive linear operators in polynomial weighted spaces, J. Approx. Theory, 162 (2010), 1495-1508,
[12] P. L. Butzer, On the extensions of Bernstein polynomials to the infinite interval, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 5 (1954), 547-553,
[13] L. Comtet, Advanced Combinatorics, enlarged edition, D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, 1974, The Art of Finite and Infinite Expansions.
[14] J. de la Cal and J. Cárcamo, On uniform approximation by some classical Bernstein-type operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 279 (2003), 625-638,
[15] Z. Ditzian, Convergence of sequences of linear positive operators: Remarks and applications, J. Approximation Theory, 14 (1975), 296-301,
[16] Z. Ditzian and V. Totik, Moduli of Smoothness, vol. 9 of Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1987,
[17] J. Favard, Sur les multiplicateurs d’interpolation, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9), 23 (1944), 219-247.
[18] H. Feng, S. Hou, L.-Y. Wei and D.-X. Zhou, CNN models for readability of Chinese texts, Mathematical Foundations of Computing, 5 (2022), 351-362,
[19] A. D. Gadžiev, Theorems of the type of P. P. Korovkin’s theorems, Mat. Zametki, 20 (1976), 781-786.
[20] V. Gupta and R. P. Agarwal, Convergence Estimates in Approximation Theory, Springer, Cham, 2014,

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Asymptotic properties of Kantorovich-type Szász–Mirakjan operators of higher order

Asymptotic properties of Kantorovich-type Szász–Mirakjan operators of higher order

Ulrich Abel
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Fachbereich MND,
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 13, 61169 Friedberg, Germany.
   Octavian Agratini
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis
Romanian Academy
Str. Fântânele, 57, 400320 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
   Mircea Ivan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
Department of Mathematics,
Str. Memorandumului nr. 28, 400114 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

In this paper we study local approximation properties of a higher order Kantorovich-type Szász–Mirakjan operator recently introduced by Sabancigil, Kara, and Mahmudov. We derive the complete asymptotic expansion for these operators. They generalize the Szász–Mirakjan operators of Kantorovich-type and approximate locally integrable functions satisfying a certain growth condition on the infinite interval (0,).

1 Introduction

As the Bernstein operators represent the most investigated linear positive approximation process of functions defined on a compact interval, the Szász operators and their generalizations are the most studied approximation operators for functions defined on an unbounded interval. For the complete information of the readers, we will present the first expressions of these operators keeping the same notations used in the cited works.

In 1950, for the infinite interval (0,) Szász [32, Eq. (2)] defined the transform


proving the following main result: suppose that f(x) is bounded in every finite interval; if f(x)=𝒪(xk) for some k>0 as x and if f(x) is continuous at a point ξ, then P(u;f) converges uniformly to f(x) at x=ξ ([32, Theorem 1]).

As mentioned in [12, p. 547], the Polish mathematician Mark Kac pointed out to Butzer that he considered the above transform several years ago and made use of it in his lectures, but never published his result. In fact, the definition of this approximation process has been carried out over time by several mathematicians. Thus, in 1941 Mirakyan [27] considered a finite sum. The above series was also studied in 1944 by Favard [17].

The domain of definition of operators was considered in papers that appeared in different forms. For example, Sikkema [31, Application II] denoted H(s)(ξ) the set of all real functions f(x) which are defined on the whole of the real x-axis and possess the following three properties: f(x) is s times (s1) differentiable at x=ξ, f(x) is bounded on every finite interval of the x-axis and f(x)=𝒪(|x|s) if |x|. Further, Sikkema considered the operators Sn,p:H(q)(ξ)C([0,b]), ξ[0,b], where b denotes an arbitrary positive number and p is non-negative


In case p=0 we obtain the Mirakjan operators [27] which also have been considered by Szász in 1950. Case p>0 occurs in a paper by Schurer [30].

Altomare and Campiti in their monograph [6, Eqs. (5.3.54)-(5.3.57)] considered the Banach lattice

E2:={fC(+)f(x)1+x2 is convergent as x}

which becomes the domain for the n-th Szász operator, SnfP(n;f), n1, proving that for any fE2 the series is absolutely convergent. Moreover, every Sn maps CB(+), respectively C0(+), into itself. Here CB(+)=C(+)B(+) and C0(+) is the space of all functions fC(+) which vanish at infinity. B(+) stands for the space of all real valued bounded functions defined on +.

In our opinion, the most appropriate domain for operators is the space E representing the class of all locally integrable functions of exponential type on + with the property |f(t)|MeAt (t0) for some constants M,A>0.

The Szász–Mirakjan operators associate to each function fE the series

(Snf)(x)=ν=0pn,ν(x)f(νn) (x0),


pn,ν(x)=enx(nx)νν! (ν=0,1,2,).

Results for approximating Lp functions may have potential applications in machine learning generalization analysis. Moreover, problems for approximating functions in higher dimensions are more and more important in various applications of big data.

2 Preliminaries

Butzer [12, Section 3] published, for the first time, an integral generalization in the Kantorovich sense of the genuine Szász operators. Using the Puf notation for Szász operators, Butzer considered a function f Lebesgue integrable over the interval 0xR for every R>0 and F(x)=𝒪(xk) as x, for some k>0, where


The new operators have the following form


which can be written as




for ν/u<s(ν+1)/u, ν=0,1,2,; Ku(x;0)=0, x+.

The main approximation property established by Butzer [12, Theorem 2] is read as follows: if f(x)L(0,), then


at every point where f(x)=F(x), i.e. almost everywhere in (0,).

These integral operators were studied in different functional spaces, for example in Lp(0,), 1<p<, spaces the investigation has been achieved by Totik [33].

It is worth emphasizing that direct and converse results for exponential-type operators (including Szász operators) and their Kantorovich analogue are analyzed in the monograph [16, Section 9.3].

The Kantorovich-type variant Wuf of Szász operators can be rewritten in the form


where pn,ν(x)=enx(nx)ν/ν! (ν=0,1,).

Recently (2022), Sabancigil, Kara, and Mahmudov [29] introduced, for , an -th order Kantorovich-type Szász–Mirakjan operator

(Knf)(x)=ν=0pn,ν(x)0101f(ν+t1++tn+)dt1dt (x0).

Since Kn=1 does not coincide with Kn we define, for α0,

(Kn,αf)(x)=ν=0pn,ν(x)0101f(ν+t1++tn+α)dt1dt (x0),

such that Kn=Kn,. A natural generalization of the operators Kn are Kn,0 and Kn,1. Note that in the special case =1, these operators both reduce to the Kantorovich-type variant Kn1,0=Kn.

It is easy to see that Kn,α preserves constant functions, i.e., Kn,αe0=e0, where er denote the monomials given by er(x)=xr (r=0,1,2,). Since


we obtain

Kn,αe1=nn+α(Sne1+2Sne0)=nn+α(e1+2ne0)e1 (n).

A direct computation yields

Kn,αe2=(nn+α)2e2+n(n+α)2(+1)nx+32+12(n+α)2e2 (n).

Thus, the Popoviciu–Bohman–Korovkin (see [28, 9, 25]) theorem implies


for all bounded continuous functions fE. Later on, we shall see that the approximation property is valid for all fE.

The power and, at the same time, the simpleness of the Popoviciu–Bohman–Korovkin criterion turned it into the main tool for studying linear positive approximation processes. Unfortunately, for operators acting on spaces of functions defined on unbounded intervals, the uniform convergence is not guaranteed by this theorem. This is true even if we restrict at a compact interval the functions obtained as images. An example in this direction was given by Ditzian [15]. To obtain the extension of this theorem in the case of non-compact intervals, additional conditions are required. We highlight that these conditions are not uniquely determined, they are varied depending on the considered function spaces. We propose a very short foray into this domain of research in order to point out some achievements. A pioneering activity in this direction was carried out by Boyanov and Veselinov [10]. In their approach they took into account functions that have a finite limit at infinity. We also note the significant results of Gadžhiev [19] who studied this subject in weighted spaces.

The approximation property of Szász transform Snf was settled in polynomial weight spaces by Becker [8] and in exponential weight spaces by Becker, Kucharski and Nessel [7]. To obtain results at the uniform convergence of the Snf, n1, operators, Totik worked in the CB(+) space involving modulus of continuity, see [34, Theorems 1-3]. By using the representation of the operators in terms of appropriate stochastic processes, J. de la Cal and Cárcamo [14] obtained new results on uniform approximation for families of operators of probabilistic type over non-compact interval. The same concerns to establish sufficient conditions of uniform convergence appeared, for example, in [11] and [4]. Among the particular cases presented in these two papers are the Szász operators.

We also mention that in more abstract context of metric spaces, Altomare [5] presented general results of Korovkin-type establishing conditions which ensure the uniform convergence.

In this paper, we derive the complete asymptotic expansion for the sequence of operators Kn,α in the form

(Kn,αf)(x)f(x)+k=1ak(f,,α;x)nk(n), (1)

provided that f admits derivatives of sufficiently high order at x>0. Formula (1) means that, for all q=1,2,, there holds

(Kn,αf)(x)=f(x)+k=1qak(f,,α;x) nk+o(nq)(n).

The coefficients ak(f,,α;x), independent of n, will be given in an explicit form. It turns out that Stirling numbers of the second kind play an important role. As a special case we obtain the complete asymptotic expansion for the sequence of Szász–Mirakjan–Kantorovich operators Kn.

Asymptotic expansions for the Bernstein-Kantorovich operators are derived in [2]. Asymptotic expansions for the Szász–Mirakjan operators and their generalizations can be found in [1].

3 Asymptotic expansion

For q and x(0,), let K[q;x] be the class of all functions fE which are q times differentiable at x. The following theorem presents as our main result the complete asymptotic expansion for the operators Kn,α.

Theorem 1

Let q and x(0,). For each function fK[2q;x], the operators Kn,α possess the asymptotic expansion

(Kn,αf)(x)=f(x)+k=1qak(f,,α;x) nk+o(nq)(n) (2)

with the coefficients

ak(f,,α;x)=s=12kf(s)(x)s!m=0kxsm(α)kmT(s,k,m)(k=1,2,), (3)

where the numbers T(s,k,m) are defined by

= j=0k(sj)(j+)1{+j}r=js(1)sr(sjrj){rjrm}(km+r1km).

Here and in the following, the quantities {j} denote the Stirling numbers of the second kind defined through

z=j=0{j}zj¯ (=0,1,2,), (5)

where z0¯=1, zj¯=z(z1)(zj+1), j, are the falling factorials (we follow the convention to define {j}=0, for all negative integers j).

Remark 2

If fq=1K[q;x], the operators Kn,α possess the complete asymptotic expansion

(Kn,αf)(x)=f(x)+k=1ak(f,,α;x) nk(n),

where the coefficients ak(f,,α;x) are as defined in (3).

Remark 3

For the convenience of the reader, we list the explicit expressions for the initial coefficients ak(f,,α;x):

a1(f,,α;x) = 12(2αx)f(x)+x2f′′(x),
a2(f,,α;x) = 12α(2αx)f(x)+(+32)12(+2)αx+12α2x224f′′(x)
= 12α2(2αx)f(x)

In the case q=1, an immediate consequence of Theorem 1 is the following Voronovskaja-type formula.

Corollary 4

Let x(0,). For each function fK[2;x], the operators Kn,α satisfy the asymptotic relation


In the case α=, we have, for fK[2;x], the Voronovskaja-type formula


which was derived in [29, Theorem 10], for bounded functions having bounded first and second derivatives on [0,).

Corollary 5

For each fK[2;x], the sequence of operators Kn,0 satisfies the asymptotic relation


In the special case α=0 we obtain the following result for the Szász–Mirakjan-Kantorovich operators Kn,0.

Corollary 6

Let q and x(0,). For each function fK[2q;x], the Szász–Mirakjan–Kantorovich operators possess the asymptotic expansion


with the coefficients




We emphasize the fact that ak(f,,α=0;x) contains only derivatives f(s)(x) of orders s=k,,2k.

We give the series explicitly, for q=3:

= f(x)+f(x)+xf′′(x)2n+(+32)f′′(x)+2x(2+3)f(3)(x)+3x2f(4)(x)24n2
+x2(4+3)f(5)(x)+x3f(6)(x))+o(n3)as n.

4 Auxiliary results and proofs

In order to prove our main result, we shall need some auxiliary results. Recall that throughout the paper er denote the monomials er(t)=tr (r=0,1,2,) and, for each real x, we put ψx=e1xe0. The proof of Theorem 1 is based on several lemmas, which are gathered in this section.

We recall some known facts about Stirling numbers which will be useful in the sequel. The Stirling numbers of the second kind possess the representation

{rrm}=i=m2mσ2(i,im)(ri)=i=0mσ2(i+m,i)(ri+m) (0mr) (6)

(see [13, page 226, Ex. 16]). The coefficients σ2(i,im), called associated Stirling numbers of the second kind, are independent of r. Furthermore, we make use of the following formula for iterated integrals (see [23, page 202, Eq. (4)]).

Lemma 7

For j, and let G be a region such that {z|z|}G. For functions g, analytic in G, it holds

Lemma 8

For r=0,1,2,, the moments of the operators Kn,α have the representation


More explicitly, it holds

(Kn,αer)(x)=(nn+α)rk=0rxrknkj=0k(rj)(j+)1{+j}{rjrk}. (7)

Applying Lemma 7 to the function g(t)=f(ν+tn+α) we obtain the formula

= j=0!(+j)!{+j}1(n+α)jf(j)(νn+α).

In particular, for f=er, we have

= 1(n+α)rν=0pn,ν(x)j=0r!(+j)!{+j}rj¯νrj
= 1(n+α)rj=0r(rj)(j+)1{+j}ν=0pn,ν(x)νrj.

Taking advantage of Eq. (5), we obtain




Collecting all terms with k=i+j we obtain Eq. (7). ∎

Lemma 9

For s=0,1,2,, the central moments of the operators Kn,α have, for n>α, the representation

(Kn,αψxs)(x)=k=01nkm=0kxsm(α)kmT(s,k,m). (8)

Let n>α. Using the expansion


Lemma 8 leads to

(Kn,αer)(x) = (nn+α)rm=0rxrmnmA(m,r)
= k=01nkm=0kxrm(α)kmA(m,r)(km+r1km),



Application of the binomial formula yields for the central moments

(Kn,αψxs)(x) = r=0s(x)sr(sr)(Kn,αer)(x)
= k=01nkm=0kxsm(α)kmT(s,k,m),



Using the identity (sr)(rj)=(sj)(sjrj) and reversing the order of summations completes the proof of Lemma 9. ∎

Remark 10

The second central moment of the operators Kn,α is given by


Hence, the second central moment satisfies (Kn,αψx2)(x)=O(1/n) as n. More generally, we show

Lemma 11

For s=0,1,2,, the central moments of the operators Kn,α satisfy the asymptotic relation

(Kn,αψxs)(x)=O(n(s+1)/2) (n).

A direct consequence is the representation


provided that n>α.


We have to prove that (Kn,αψxs)(x)=O(n(s+1)/2) as n. This is a consequence of Kn,αe0=e0 in the case s=0. Now suppose that s>0. By Lemma 9, we have to show that T(s,k,m)=0, for s>2k and 0mk. Since by Eq. (1),




it is sufficient to prove that V(s,k,j,m)=0, for any integers j,m with 0jmk. By Eq.(6), we have

{rr(mj)} = i=mj2(mj)σ2(i,i(mj))(ri).

Since (sjr)(ri)=(sji)(sjiri) we obtain

V(s,k,j,m) = i=mj2(mj)σ2(i,i(mj))(sji)

The inner sum


is equal to zero, if (km+r+i+j1km) is a polynomial in r of degree less than sji, i.e., if km<sji. Since i2(mj), this inequality is fulfilled if k<s+mj2(mj)=s(mj). Since mjk, we infer that V(s,k,j,m)=0 if k<sk, i.e., 2k<s. This implies that T(s,k,m)=0, for s>2k. ∎

In order to extend our main result from bounded functions to functions of exponential growth, we need a localization result.

For the proof of Theorem 1, we apply the following localization theorem.

Proposition 12

Let x>0. If fE vanishes in a neighborhood (xδ,x+δ)[0,+) of x, then there exists a positive constant c such that


In order to derive Theorem 1, a general approximation theorem due to Sikkema [31, Theorem 3] will be applied. To this end, we need some notation. Let I be a real interval and xI.

An inspection of the proof of Sikkema’s result reveals that it can be stated in the following form which is more appropriate for our purposes.

Lemma 13

Let q and let (Ln)n be a sequence of positive linear operators, Ln:H(2q)(x)C[c,d], x[c,d]. Suppose that the operators Ln apply to ψx2q+1 and to ψx2q+2. Then the condition

(Lnψxs)(x)=O(n(s+1)/2) (n), for s=0,1,,2q+2,

implies, for each function fH(2q)(x), the asymptotic relation

(Lnf)(x)=s=02qf(s)(x)s!(Lnψxs)(x)+o(nq) (n).

In the application used in the proof of Theorem 1, we restrict H(s)(x) to consist only of locally integrable functions. We proceed with the proof of the localization result.

Proof of Proposition 12.

For fE, set


Observe that


From |f(t)|MeAt (t0) we obtain the estimate


Hence, Kn,αf is well-defined. Put Uδ(x)=(xδ,x+δ)[0,+). The condition f(t)=0, for tUδ(x), implies that Φn,ν(f)=0 if νnUδ/2(x), for sufficiently large values of n. Hence, the result follows from the localization theorem for the classical Szász–Mirakjan Sn operators. ∎

Proof of Theorem 1.

Let x>0 and put Ur(x)=(xr,x+r)[0,+), for r>0. Let δ>0 be given. Suppose that f(2q)(x) exists. Choose a function φC([0,+)) with φ(x)=1 on Uδ(x) and φ(x)=0 on [0,+)U2δ(x). Put f~=φf. Then we have f~f on Uδ(x) which implies f~(s)(x)=f(s)(x), for s=0,,2q, and f~0 on [0,+)U2δ(x). By the localization theorem (Proposition 12), (Kn,α(ff~))(x) decays exponentially fast as n. Consequently, f~ and f possess the same asymptotic expansion of the form (1). Therefore, without loss of generality, we can assume that f0 on [0,+)U2δ(x). By Lemma 9, we have (Kn,αψx2s)(x)=O(ns) as n. Under these conditions, Lemma 13 implies that

(Kn,αf)(x)=f(x)+s=12qf(s)(x)s!(Kn,αψxs)(x)+o(nq) (n).

By Lemma 9 and Lemma 11, we obtain

= s=12qf(s)(x)s!k=(s+1)/21nkm=0kxsm(α)kmT(s,k,m).

Finally, we obtain


as n. This is the desired expansion (2) with coefficients T(s,k,m) as defined in Eq. (1). ∎

Proof of Corollary 6.

The proof runs along the lines of the proof of Theorem 1. The only difference is the fact that, in the special case α=0, the central moments (8) can be represented by a finite sum, viz.,


such that sk. ∎

Final Remark

One reason why we chose the study of a Szász-type sequence is that Vijay Gupta approached this transform in numerous papers that include statistical convergence, q-calculus, and different ingenious generalizations involving, for example, functions belonging to spaces with polynomial or exponential weights, functions with bounded variations, smooth functions. His track record includes dozens of papers with Szász-type operators. Instead of citing a part of these papers, we prefer to refer to his books that include a complete and unified presentation of the operators in question. The references in the monographs [20] and [21] prove our statement.


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