Posts by Costica Mustata



Stefan Cobzas
“Tiberiu Popovicviu” Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Romania

Costica Mustata
“Tiberiu Popovicviu” Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Romania



Paper coordinates

Şt. Cobzaş, C. Mustăţa, Selections associated to the metric projection, Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx., 24 (1995) nos. 1-2, 45-52.


About this paper


Revue d’Analyse Numer. Theor. Approx.

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Publishing Romanian Academy

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[1] E.W. Cheney and D.E. Wulbert, The Existence and Unicity of Best Approximations, Math. Scand. 24(1969), 113-140.
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[3] F. Deutsch, Wu Li, Sung-Ho Park, Characterizations of Continuous and Lipschitz Continuous Metric Selections in Normed Linear Spaces, J.A.T., 58 (1989), 297-314.
[4] C. Mustata, On the Selections Associated to the Metric Projecitons, Revue d’Analyse Numerique et de Theorie l’Approximation 23 (I) (1994), 89-93.

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