Posts by Costica Mustata


Considering a metric space and its Lipschitz dual one defines the notion of M-ideal and HB-subspace of a metric space (with respect to its Lipschitz dual). One obtain some results analogous to these in the theory of M-ideal and HB-subspaces in a normed space. The results in the paper are based on an extension theorem of McShane [2], [3] and on a uniquenese theorem which is similar to one of R.R.Phelps [10], [11].


Costica Mustata
“Tiberiu Popoviciu” Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Romania



Paper coordinates

C. Mustăţa, M-ideals in metric spaces, ”Babeş-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Math. and Physics, Research Seminars, Seminar on Mathematica Analysis, Preprint Nr.7 (1988), 67-74 (MR # 90b: 54019)



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MR # 90b: 54019

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[1] Alfsen, D.M., Effross, E., Structure in real Banach spaces, Ann. of Math. 96(1972), 98-173.
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[3] Fakhoury, E., Selections lineaires associees au Theoreme de  Hahn-Banach, J. of Funcitonal analysis 11 (1972), 436-452.
[4] Hennefeld, J., M – ideas, HB – subspaces and Compact Operators, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 28 (6) (1979), 927-934.
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[9] Johnson, J.A., Banach Spaces of Lipschitz Functions and vector – valued Lipschitz Functions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 148(1970), 147-169.
[10] Mustata, C., Best Approximation and Uniwuq Extension of Lipschitz Functions, J. Approx. Theory 19 (3) (1977), 222-230.
[11] Phelps, R.R., Uniqueness of Hahn-Banach Extension and Unique Best Approximation, Trans. Amer. Math. Sec. 25 (1960), 238-255.
[12] Oja, E., On the uniquess of the norm preserving extension of linear functional in this Hahn-Banach Theorem, Proc. Acad. Science Esteonian SSR 33 (4) (1984), 422-433 (Russian).

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