Ms. Lucia Cobzas has passed away3 years agoWith deep regret we announce that on September 5, 2021, Ms. Lucia Cobzaş, former member of the Institute, has passed away.…
Announcement: Mihai Nechita has successfully defended his PhD thesis at UCL (London)4 years agoWe are happy to announce that on Friday, September 25, 2020, our colleague Mihai Nechita has successfully defended his PhD…
Announcement updates: a recent publication in the top journal Advances in Water Resources by a team from ICTP5 years agoWe are glad to see that the recent publication in the important journal Adv. Water Res., D. Alecsa, I. Boros,…
A recent publication in the top journal Neural Networks by two members of ICTP5 years agoWe are glad to announce a recent publication in the important journal Neural Networks* by two young members of ICTP:…
Announcement: a recent publication in the top journal “Advances in Water Resources”, by a team from ICTP5 years agoWe are glad to announce a recent publication in the important journal Advances in Water Resources* by a team from…
Announcement: Professor Ion Păvăloiu at his 80th anniversary5 years agoProf. Ion Păvăloiu has turned 80 on November 2nd, 2019. His anniversary was cellebrated at the Institute, and the issue…
Announcement: Public defense of the Phd Thesis of Cristian-Daniel Alecsa5 years agoOn October 18, 2019, our colleague Cristian-Daniel Alecsa will defend his PhD thesis Contributions to the fixed point theory of…
Student tutoring 20195 years agoICTP has started in 2018 tutoring programs for students. This year, 2019, ICTP is tutoring the following students from Faculty…
Presentation by Alexandru Tamasan: A Fourier approach to the source reconstruction in a strongly scattering medium6 years agoOn July 18, 2019, 11:00, Prof. dr. Alexandru Tamasan (Univ. Central Florida, USA) will deliver the following talk at the…
Book release: Nicolae Suciu, Diffusion in random fields. Applications to transport in groundwater, Birkhäuser, Springer (2019)6 years agoOn Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019, 14:00, the Institute welcomes the book release: Nicolae Suciu, Diffusion in random fields. Applications to…