We are glad to announce a recent publication in the important journal
by a team from ICTP comprising C.-D. Alecsa, I. Boros, M. Nechita and led by the senior researcher N. Suciu.
Their research presents a benchmark study of numerical methods used for modelling flow in highly heterogeneous aquifers.
The article was written in collaboration with F. Frank, P. Knabner, A. Prechtel and A. Rupp from the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany).
More info at:
The figure shows the contours of the velocity fields for log-normally distributed hydraulic conductivities with exponential and Gaussian correlations.
*Based on the article influence score (AIS) of the Clarivate Journal Citation Reports 2019, the Romanian agency UEFISCDI has ranked this journal in top 5 in the field of Water Resources.