Prof. Ion Păvăloiu has turned 80 on November 2nd, 2019.
His anniversary was cellebrated at the Institute, and the issue 2/2019 of J. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory will be dedicated to him.
Since the previous celebration (in this journal, vol. 44 (2015) no. 1), when he turned 75, he has served the Institute for another year and a half, between 2017-2019.
He published some papers in 2016 and 2018, and a book, in 2017.
He also prepared some manuscripts, not only as papers, but also another book.
We are grateful to him for his devotion to our Institute, which he conducted over three decades, and where he spent over 50 years (53 years, to be precise).
We wish him a healthy and joyful life.