The equivalence between Mann–Ishikawa iterations and multistep iteration5 years agoAbstractWe show that the convergence of Mann, Ishikawa iterations are equivalent to the convergence of a multistep iteration, for various…
The Equivalence between T-Stabilities of The Krasnoselskij and The Mann Iterations5 years agoAbstract We prove the equivalence between the -stabilities of the Krasnoselskij and the Mann iterations; a consequence is the equivalence…
Data Dependence for Ishikawa Iteration When Dealing with Contractive-Like Operators5 years agoAbstract We prove a convergence result and a data dependence for Ishikawa iteration when applied to contraction-like operators. An example…
The equivalence between the T-stabilities of Mann and Ishikawa iterations5 years agoAbstract We show that T-stability of Mann and Ishikawa iterations are equivalent. AuthorsB.E. Rhoades S.M. Soltuz (Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of…
The equivalence between the convergences of Ishikawa and Mann iterations for an asymptotically nonexpansive in the intermediate sense and strongly successively pseudocontractive maps5 years agoAbstractThe convergence of modified Mann iteration is equivalent to the convergence of modified Ishikawa iterations, when T is an asymptotically…
The equivalence between the convergences of Ishikawa and Mann iterations for an asymptotically pseudocontractive map5 years agoAbstractThe convergence of Mann iteration is equivalent to the convergence of Ishikawa iterations, when T is an asymptotically nonexpansive and asymptotically pseudocontractive…
Solutions with a prescribed interval of positivity for differential systems with nonlocal conditions5 years agoAbstractBased on fixed point index, the paper develops a theory of existence, localization and multiplicity of solutions to first-order differential…
Spectral collocation solutions to a class of pseudo-parabolic equations5 years agoAbstractIn this paper we solve by method of lines (MoL) a class of pseudo-parabolic PDEs defined on the real line.…
Modifying an approximation process using non-Newtonian calculus5 years agoAbstractIn the present note we modify a linear positive Markov process of discrete type by using so called multiplicative calculus.…
Linear positive operators constructed by using Beta-type bases5 years agoAbstractStarting from a discrete linear approximation process that has the ability to turn polynomials into polynomials of the same degree,…