A fixed-point approach to control problems for Kolmogorov type second-order equations and systems3 weeks agoAbstract In this paper, the second-order differential equations and systems of Kolmogorov type are defined. With reference to population dynamics…
Stratified equatorial flows in cylindrical coordinates with surface tension3 months agoAbstract This paper considers a mathematical model of steady flows of an inviscid and incompressible fluid moving in the azimuthal…
Comment on “Modeling groundwater flow with random hydraulic conductivity using radial basis function partition of unity method” by Shile et al. (2024)6 months agoAbstract The goal of this article is to explain some striking discrepancies between the Monte Carlo inferences for flow in…
Vector fixed point approach to control of Kolmogorov differential systems9 months agoAbstract The paper presents a vector approach to control problems for systems of equations. The method is described in the…
Testing Weyl geometric gravity with the SPARC galactic rotation curves database1 year agoAbstract We present a detailed investigation of the properties of the galactic rotation curves in the Weyl geometric gravity model, in which…
A method of lower and upper solutions for control problems and application to a model of bone marrow transplantation1 year agoAbstract A lower and upper solution method is introduced for control problems related to abstract operator equations. The method is…
Despre începuturile biomatematicii2 years agoAbstract AuthorsRadu Precup Department of Mathematics Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Keywords? Paper coordinatesR. Precup, Despre începuturile biomatematicii, Gazeta matematica –…