Localization of Nash-type equilibria for systems with partial variational structure1 year agoAbstract In this paper, we aim to generalize an existing result by obtaining localized solutions within bounded convex sets, while…
Theory and computation of radial solutions for Neumann problems with φ-Laplacian1 year agoAbstract The paper deals with existence, localization and multiplicity of radial positive solutions in the annulus or the ball, for…
Perov’s theorem applied to systems of equations1 year agoAbstract In this paper, we consider systems of equations having a linear part and also a nonlinear part. We give…
Testing Weyl geometric gravity with the SPARC galactic rotation curves database1 year agoAbstract We present a detailed investigation of the properties of the galactic rotation curves in the Weyl geometric gravity model, in which…
Positive radial solutions for Dirichlet problems in the ball1 year agoAbstract We are concerned with existence, localization and multiplicity of positive radial solutions to Dirichlet problems with φ-Laplacians in a ball, in both…
Spherical interpolation of scattered data using least squares thin-plate spline and inverse multiquadric functions1 year agoAbstract We construct some smooth functions defined over a sphere that interpolate large sets of scattered data, using some modified…
On the iterates of uni- and multidimensional operators1 year agoAbstract The problem of the convergence of the iterates of operators or of a sequence of operators is discussed in…
Păltănea’s operators: old and new results1 year agoAbstract This note concerns the study of an approximation linear positive process introduced by R. Paltanea in 2008. Considering the…
New Subclasses of Univalent Mappings in Several Complex Variables: Extension Operators and Applications1 year agoAbstract In this paper we define new subclasses of univalent mappings in the case of several complex variables. We will…
A method of lower and upper solutions for control problems and application to a model of bone marrow transplantation1 year agoAbstract A lower and upper solution method is introduced for control problems related to abstract operator equations. The method is…