Iterates of multidimensional approximation operators via Perov theorem3 years agoAbstractThe starting point is an approximation process consisting of linear and positive operators. The purpose of this note is to…
On some applications of the controllability principle for fixed point equations3 years agoAbstract The aim of this paper is to draw attention to a general principle for solving control problems for operator…
Chebfun Solutions to a Class of 1D Singular and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems3 years agoAbstractThe Chebyshev collocation method implemented in Chebfun is used in order to solve a class of second order one-dimensional singular…
Anunţ concursuri AC (2022-2)3 years ago27 iunie 2022. Concurs pentru ocuparea a două posturi vacante de AC (normă intreagă, pe perioadă nedeterminată). Amănunte pe website-ul Academiei…
Stationary Kirchhoff equations and systems with reaction terms3 years agoAbstractIn this paper, the operator approach based on the fixed point principles of Banach and Schaefer is used to establish…
A new optimal method of order four of Hermite–Steffensen type3 years agoAbstract We introduce a new method for solving nonlinear equations in R, which uses three function evaluations at each step…
Stationary solutions of Fokker-Planck equations with nonlinear reaction terms in bounded domains3 years agoAbstractUsing an operator approach, we discuss stationary solutions to Fokker-Planck equations and systems with nonlinear reaction terms. The existence of…
Krasnoselskii type theorems in product Banach spaces and applications to systems of nonlinear transport equations and mixed fractional differential equations3 years agoAbstractIn this paper, we use a new technique for the treatment of systems based on the advantage of vector-valued norms…
Announcement: a recent publication (2022) in the top journal “Numerische Mathematik”3 years agoMihai Nechita has recently published a paper in Numerische Mathematik, one of the top* journals in “Mathematics, Applied”. The paper…
On high-order conforming finite element methods for ill-posed Helmholtz problems3 years agoAbstract We consider the numerical approximation of the linear ill-posed problem of unique continuation for the Helmholtz equation. We first…