Linear positive operators constructed by using Beta-type bases


Starting from a discrete linear approximation process that has the ability to turn polynomials into polynomials of the same degree, we introduce an integral generalization by using Beta-type bases.

Some properties of this new sequence of operators are investigated in unweighted and weighted spaces of functions defined on unbounded interval. In our construction particular cases are outlined.


Octavian Agratini
Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Korovkin theorem; modulus of smoothness; weighted space; rate of convergence


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O. Agratini, Linear positive operators constructed by using Beta-type bases, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics & Statistics,  49 (2020) no. 3, pp. 1030-1038, doi: 10.15672/hujms.549015


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Linear positive operators constructed by using Beta-type bases

Linear positive operators constructed
by using Beta-type bases

Octavian Agratini Babeş-Bolyai University
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Str. Kogălniceanu, 1
400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis,
Romanian Academy,
Str. Fântânele, 57, 400320 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Starting from a discrete linear approximation process that has the ability to turn polynomials into polynomials of the same degree, we introduce an integral generalization by using Beta-type bases. Some properties of this new sequence of operators are investigated in unweighted and weighted spaces of functions defined on unbounded interval. In our construction particular cases are outlined.

Keywords and phrases: Korovkin theorem, modulus of smoothness, weighted space, rate of convergence.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A36, 41A25.

1. Introduction

An old area of mathematical research called Approximation Theory has a great potential for applications to a wide variety of issues. The study of the linear methods of approximation, which are given by sequences of linear and positive operators, has become a firmly rooted part of the domain mentioned above.

The starting point of this note is a general positive approximation process of discrete type and expressed by series. The functions that are approximated are defined on unbounded intervals. Since a linear substitution maps the interior of such intervals onto (0,) or , we will choose the benchmark interval I=[0,)=+, as it accumulates the problems caused by a finite endpoint and by the unboundedness of the other endpoint. Also, this class uses equidistant network of the form Δn=(kλn)n1, where (λn)n1 is a strictly decreasing positive sequence of real numbers with the property

limnλn=0. (1)

The operators we are referring to are designed as follows

(Lnf)(x)=k=0ak(λn;x)f(kλn),n,x+, (2)

where ak(λn;)++ is continuous function for each (n,k)×0. Here 0={0} and f belongs to a function space, say 𝒮(+), for which the right-hand side of relation (2) is well defined.

Using a Beta functions base, we introduce and explore an integral generalization of the operators defined by (2). The construction of the new class is present in the next section. Their approximation properties such as convergence towards identity operator and the rate of convergence are investigated in different function spaces.

2. The operators

Set ej the monomial of j-th degree, e0(x)=1 and ej(x)=xj, j1. Let Πj be the set of all algebraic polynomials of degree j, j0. Regarding Ln, n, operators we assume Π:=j0Πj𝒮(+),

Lne0=e0 and LnejΠj,j. (3)

Due to the linearity of Ln, the above conditions imply that these operators preserve the constants and map polynomials into polynomials of the same degree. Throughout the paper, based on relations (3), we consider the following representations of the polynomials Lnej

(Lnej)(x)=i=0jαi,j(n)xi,αj,j(n)0,x+ and j. (4)

Since we are working on the assumption that the sequence (Ln)n1 is an approximation process, this will involve at least the pointwise convergence of (Lnej)n1 to ej for each j, in other words,

limnαi,j(n)=δi,j, 0ij and j, (5)

where δi,j is Kronecker symbol.

Our requirements in (3) are not very restrictive. Many classical operators enjoy these properties. For instance:

i) Szász-Mirakjan operators satisfy (3), according to Micchelli’s result [11, p. 71].

ii) Baskakov operators fulfill (3), see Sikkema [12, p. 335].

iii) Mastroianni operators [10] representing a generalization of Baskakov approximation process. For comparison, [1, pages 344, 350] may be consulted. Relations (3) can easily be deduced from the cited works.

In all the above examples λn=1/n, n1, takes place.

iv) Bernstein-Chlodovsky operators introduced by Chlodovsky [2] can be found in [9, p. 36] or in [1, pages 347, 351]. In this case λn=bn/n, where (bn)n1 is a sequence of strictly positive real numbers such that limnbn= and (1) holds. Also, in this case, the requirements (3) are obviously satisfied. We propose to study the following integral variant of Ln, n1, operators, while meeting the assumption (3).

(Dnf)(x)=a0(λn;x)f(0)+k=1ak(λn;x)B(n+1,k)0f(nλnt)tk1(1+t)n+k+1𝑑t, (6)

x+ and B stands for Beta function,


In the above f(+), the space of all real valued functions defined on + with the property that the series from the right hand side of relation (6) is convergent. We infer that f must be a Lebesgue measurable function on +.

Clearly, Dn, n, are linear and positive operators. Moreover,

(Dne0)(x)=(Lne0)(x)=1,x+,n1, (7)

see (3).

Using relation (2), by a straightforward calculation, we obtain the following identities

(Dne1)(x)=(Lne1)(x),x+,n1, (8)
(Dne2)(x)=nn1(Lne2)(x)+nλnn1(Lne1)(x),x+,n2. (9)

Currently, in approximation by linear positive operators, particular attention is paid to those which reproduce affine functions, property implied by the relations Lnej=ej, j{0,1}. From (7) and (8) we notice that if Ln operators have this property, also Dn operators enjoy it.

We specify that particular cases of operators described by formula (6) have been investigated by various authors. To illustrate this, we present two examples.

Starting from Jain operators [6] defined as follows

(Pn[β]f)(x)=enx+nxk=1(nx+kβ)k1k!e(nx+kβ)f(kn),x0, (10)

where the parameter β[0,1), in [13] an integral version with Beta bases functions has been investigated. If in (10) we choose β=0, Pn[0], n, turn into well known Szász-Mirakjan operators. An integral extension of Pn[0] operators following the model shown in (7), was achieved in [5].

The second example is taken from the recent paper [7]. Acar and Kumar introduced and studied the following generalization of Baskakov-Durrmeyer operators in the sense of D.D. Stancu




0αβ, a>0 and (n)i is the Pochammer symbol given by (n)0=1, (n)i=n(n+1)(n+i1) for i.

At this point we introduce the j-th central moment of Dn operators, nj, i.e.,

j(Dn;x)=(Dnφxj)(x), where φx(t)=tx,(t,x)+×+.

Examining identities (7)-(9) and taking into account (4), we get the first two central moments



β0,1(n)=α0,1(n),β1,1(n)=α1,1(n)1, (11)
{β0,2(n)=nn1(α0,2(n)+λnα0,1(n)),β1,2(n)=nn1(α1,2(n)+λnα1,1(n))2α0,1(n),β2,2(n)=nn1α2,2(n)2α1,1(n)+1. (12)

Considering the notation c(n)=max0l2|βl,2(n)|, n2, we can write

2(Dn;x)c(n)(1+x+x2),x0. (13)

Taking in view (1) and (5), limnc(n)=0 takes place.

3. Approximation properties

Our goal is to show how the approximation properties are transferred from Ln to Dn, n, operators. As usual, B(+) and C(+) stand for bounded, respectively continuous real valued functions defined on +. Set CB(+)=B(+)C(+) which is endowed with the norm of the uniform convergence (sup-norm) denoted by .

Remark 1. Clearly, CB(+)(+). Since (7) takes place, for any function fCB(+) we deduce Dnff, in other words, the operators Dn, n, are non-expansive.

We investigate the summation integral operators in functions spaces characterized by the polynomial weight ρ(x)=1+x2, x0. We indicate the following notations used throughout the paper.


where Mf is a constant depending only on f. Bρ(+) is a normed space with respect to the norm ρ,


Further, we denote by Cρ(+), Cρ(+) the following subspaces of Bρ(+)

Cρ(+)={fBρ(+):f is continuous on +},
Cρ(+)={fCρ(+):limxf(x)ρ(x) exists and is finite},


Theorem 1. Let Ln, n, be defined by (2) such that conditions (3)-(5) are fulfilled. For any compact K+, the operators Dn defined by (6) possess the property

limnDnffK=0,fCρ(+), (14)

where, for a function h, hK=suptK|h(t)|.

Proof. We consider the lattice homomorphism TK:C()C(K) defined by TK(f)=f|K. Relations (7), (8), (9) and the requirements formulated in the hypothesis of the theorem ensure the identities


uniformly on K. Since Cρ(+) is isomorphic to C(K) and {e0,e1,e2} is a Korovkin set in Cρ(+), the universal Korovkin-type criterion, see [1, Theorem 4.1.4(vi)] implies

(Dnf)(x)f(x) uniformly on K as n.

Consequently, the proof of (14) is completed.

We recall the notion of modulus of smoothness associated to a function fC(+) on the compact interval [0,a], a>0 fixed. Denoting by ω(f;)[0,a], it is defined as follows


where δ0. As we can see, ω gives the maximum oscillation of f in any interval of length not exceeding δ.

Among the properties of ω(f;)[0,a] we recall the following

ω(f;|tx|)[0,a](1+(tx)2δ2)ω(f;δ)[0,a],δ>0, (15)

and (t,x)[0,a]×[0,a], see, e.g., [8].

Using this modulus we establish the rate of convergence of the sequence (Dnf)n1 in a specific case, as shown in the following

Theorem 2. Let Ln, n, be defined by (2) such that conditions (3)-(5) are fulfilled. For any compact [0,b], b>0 fixed, the operators Dn, n2, defined by (6) verify the following inequality

|(Dnf)(x)f(x)|Mf,bδn2(x)+2ω(f;δn(x))[0,b+1],x[0,b], (16)

where fCρ(+), Mf,b is a constant depending on f and b, and

δn(x)=c(n)(x2+x+1). (17)

Proof. Let x[0,b] arbitrarily fixed. Let t belong to +.

If tb+1, then |tx|b+1. With the help of (15) we can write

|f(t)f(x)| sup|uv||tx||f(u)f(v)|=ω(f;|tx|)[0,b+1]
(1+(tx)2δ2)ω(f;δ)[0,b+1],δ>0. (18)

If t>b+1, then tx>1. Since fCρ(+), we get

|f(t)f(x)| Mf(2+x2+t2)
=Mf,b(tx)2, (19)

where Mf,b is a constant depending only on f and b.

Combining (3) and (3), we obtain

|f(t)f(x)|Mf,b(tx)2+(1+(tx)2δ2)ω(f,δ)[0,b+1],δ>0. (20)

Since Dn is linear positive operator, it is monotone. Identity Dne0=e0 and inequalities (20), (13) allow us to write successively

|(Dnf)(x)f(x)| =|Dn(ff(x);x)|Dn(|ff(x)|;x)

Choosing δ=δn(x), see (17), we arrive at (16) and the proof is ended.

In the following we will denote by C a positive constant which occurs different values in different relations, its main characteristic being that it does not depend on n.

Due to (5), all sequences from relation (12), (bi,j(n))n1, 0ij2, are bounded with respect to n. Consequently, 0LnρCρ. This relation and the definition of Dn operators imply 0DnρCρ. Taking into account the result established in [3, Eq. (4)], the previous inequality represents the necessary and sufficient condition which allows us to draw the following

Remark 2. Each operator Dn maps Cρ(+) into Bρ(+) and


Theorem 3. Let Ln, n, be defined by (2) such that conditions (3)-(5) are fulfilled. The operators Dn, n2, defined by (6) satisfy the following property

limnDnffρ=0 (21)

for every function fCρ(+).

Proof. Considering the statement drawn in Remark 2, we will apply a result set by Gadjiev [3, Theorem 2]. According to this result, in order to obtain (21), it is sufficient to prove the following relations

limnDne1ke1kρ=0,k=0,1,2. (22)

We were based on the fact that in our case ρ=e0+e12.

Due to (7), for k=0 identity (22) is evident.

Using (8) and (11), we can write

Dne1e1ρ =supx0|(Lne1)(x)x|1+x2=supx0|α0,1(n)+(α1,1(n)1)x|1+x2

In view of (5), for k=1 relation (22) holds.

Then, by calling (9) and (12), we have


Relations (1) and (5) guarantee the veracity of the identity (22) in the case k=2. Thus, the limit from (21) is completely proved.

Since (1+x2)1+γρ(x), (x,γ)+×+, from Theorem 3 we enunciate

Remark 3. For any fCρ(+) and γ>0,


takes place. In the particular case of Baskakov-Durrmeyer-Stancu type operators, the above relation was included in [7, Theorem 3.4].

Finally we present an estimate of error of approximation by using a more general weight ρ and a suitable modulus. Keeping the same notation, from this moment, we consider the weight ρ given by

ρ(x)=1+ax+bx2,x0, (23)

where a1 and b>0. Since ρ(0)=1 and infx0ρ(x)1, in accordance with [4], we can use the weighted modulus Ωρ(f;) defined by

Ωρ(f;δ)=supx,t+|ρ(t)ρ(x)|δ|f(t)f(x)|(|ρ(t)ρ(x)|+1)ρ(x),δ>0, (24)

for each fCρ(+).

Among the properties of this modulus proved by Gadjiev and Aral [4, Lemmas 4,5] we recall

limδ0Ωρ(f;δ)=0, (25)
|f(t)f(x)|2ρ(x)(1+δ)2(1+(ρ(t)ρ(x))2δ2)Ωρ(f;δ), (26)

for each fCρ(+) and δ>0.

Regarding the weight ρ, from (23) we deduce

ekρ1,k{1,2}, and ekρ21,k{1,2,3,4}. (27)

Dnej, j4, are polynomials with coefficients expressed in terms of (αi,j)0ij, j4, subject to conditions (5). We assume that ρ2(+). These facts combined with (27) allow us to establish the relations

Dnρρρμ1(n),Dnρ2ρ2ρ2μ2(n), (28)

for n4, where

limnμk(n)=0,k{1,2}. (29)

Theorem 4. Let Ln, n, be defined by (2) such that conditions (3)-(5) are fulfilled. The operators Dn, n4, defined by (6) satisfy the following property


where ρ is given at (23), Ωρ is defined at (24) and

δn=μ2(n)+2μ1(n), (30)

in accordance with (28).

Proof. Like how we reasoned Remark 2, we deduce that Dn is a mapping from Cρ(+) into Bρ(+) and also a mapping from Cρ2(+) into Bρ2(+). By using relations (26) and (7) we obtain the following estimate

|(Dnf)(x)f(x)|ρ(x)4(1+δ)2δ2Dn((ρρ(x))2;x)Ωρ(f;δ), (31)

where fCρ(+). Further, we can write


Using the inequalities from (28), for n4 and x0, we have


Returning at (31) and choosing δ:=δn, see (30), the conclusion of the theorem is fully motivated.

Remark 4. In view of (29) and (25), the above theorem implies



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