Kantorovich type operators associated with Jain-Markov operators


This note focuses on a sequence of linear positive operators of integral type in the sense of Kantorovich. The construction is based on a class of discrete operators representing a new variant of Jain operators. By our statements, we prove that the integral family turns out to be useful in approximating continuous signals defined on unbounded intervals. The main tools in obtaining these results are moduli of smoothness of first and second order, K-functional and Bohman-Korovkin criterion.


Octavian Agratini
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy

Ogun Dogru
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey


Linear positive operator, Jain operator, modulus of smoothness, K-functional, Lipschitz function.


Cite this paper as:

O. Agratini, O. Dogru, Kantorovich-type operators associated with a variant of Jain operators, Stud. Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math. 66 (2021) no. 2, 279–288
doi: 10.24193/subbmath.2021.2.04

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Kantorovich-type operators associated with a variant of Jain operators

Kantorovich-type operators associated with
a variant of Jain operators

Octavian Agratini Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Str. Kogălniceanu, 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy,
Str. Fântânele, 57, 400320 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
   Ogun Doğru Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
ogun.dogru@gazi.edu.tr Dedicated to Professor Gheorghe Coman on the occasion of his 85th birthday, with high esteem.

This note focuses on a sequence of linear positive operators of integral type in the sense of Kantorovich. The construction is based on a class of discrete operators representing a new variant of Jain operators. By our statements, we prove that the integral family turns out to be useful in approximating continuous signals defined on unbounded intervals. The main tools in obtaining these results are moduli of smoothness of first and second order, K-functional and Bohman-Korovkin criterion.

Key words and phrases:
Linear positive operator, Jain operator, modulus of smoothness,
K-functional, Lipschitz function
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification:
41A36, 41A25

1. Introduction

The starting point of the paper is a class of operators introduced by G.C. Jain [8]. The construction is based on a Poisson-type distribution with two parameters given by


for α>0 and |β|<1. With the help of Lagrange inversion, in [1, Lemma 1] was proved

k=0wβ(k;α)=1. (1.1)

Considering wβ(k;0)=δk,0, Kronecker’s delta symbol, Jain defined the operators

(Pn[β]f)(x)=k=0wβ(k;nx)f(kn),x0, (1.2)

where β[0,1) and fC(+) whenever the above series is convergent. Here C(+) stands for the space of real-valued continuous functions defined on +=[0,). Clearly, Pn[β], n, are linear and positive operators.

In recent years, the investigation of these operators have been invigorated obtaining new properties as well as various generalizations. For a brief synthesis, [2] can be consulted.

Set 0={0}. We consider the functions e0(x)=1, em(x)=xm, x0. The first three monomials represent the so-called Korovkin test functions, having an essential role in the study of the convergence of any sequence of linear positive operators towards the identity operator. For the operators defined by (1.2), the following identities

Pn[β]e0=e0,Pn[β]e1=11βe1,Pn[β]e2=1(1β)2e2+1n(1β)3e1, (1.3)

take place, see [8, Eqs. (2.13)-(2.14)]. We mention that using the Stirling numbers of the second kind, all Pn[β]ej moments were explicitly calculated in [1, Proposition 1].

Many classical linear positive operators preserve e0 and e1, which implies that they have affine functions as fixed points. Such operators are also called Markov type. This property becomes useful in the study of the approximation properties which the operators enjoy. Pursuing this goal, in [7] the authors introduced and investigated the following variant of Jain operators

(Dn[β]f)(x)=k=0wβ(k;un(x))f(kn),fC(+),x0, (1.4)

where un(x)=n(1β)x, x0. The following identities

Dn[β]e0=e0,Dn[β]e1=e1,Dn[β]e2=e2+1n(1β)2e1, (1.5)

hold, see [7, Lemma 2.1].

We remind that for β=0, Pn[0]=Dn[0], n1, turn into well-known Szász-Mirakjan operators, see [14], [11].

The aim of this paper is to define an integral Kantorovich-type generalization of Dn[β], n1, operators and to establish some approximation properties. These will be achieved in the next two sections.

We specify that we wished the presentation to be self-contained to be accessible to a wide audience.

2. Integral type construction

Kantorovich-type constructions are based on replacing the values of the function f on the nodes k/n, k0, with average values of the function obtained by integrals on intervals of the form In,k=[kn,k+1n], k0. The utility of this type of operators is given by the fact that such classes can approximate functions belonging to larger spaces.

The first approach in Kantorovich sense of Pn[β], n1, operators was achieved by Umar and Razi [15]. They defined and analyzed the operators given by the formula

(P~n[β]f)(x)=nk=0wβ(k;nx)k/n(k+1)/nf(t)𝑑t, (2.1)

where f is locally integrable function and the right hand side of relation (2.1) is finite.

Our proposal for an integral extension of the operators defined by (1.4) has the following form

(D~n[β]f)(x)=1λnk=0wβ(k;un(x))kλn(k+1)λnf(t)𝑑t,x0, (2.2)


(i) (λn)n1 is a sequence of strictly decreasing positive numbers such that limnλn=0,

(ii) f belongs to the space of integrable functions defined on + such that the series in (2.2) is absolutely convergent.

In the above construction we used a flexible net on + namely (kλn)k0. The operators also admit the integral representation


with the kernel


where χn,k is the characteristic function of the interval [kλn,(k+1)λn] with respect to +, k0.

For particular case λn=1n and un(x):=nx, we reobtain the operators defined at (2.1). Further, if we choose β=0 in (2.1), the operators turn into Szász-Mirakjan-Kantorovich operators introduced by Butzer [4, Eq. (5)]. Clearly, for each n, D~n[β] is a linear positive operator. In what follows we establish some computational results.

Lemma 2.1

Let D~n[β], n, be the operators defined by (2.2). For each n the following identities

D~n[β]e0=e0, (2.3)
D~n[β]e1=nλne1+12λn, (2.4)
D~n[β]e2=(nλn)2e2+nλn2(1+1(1β)2)e1+13λn2 (2.5)

take place.


Taking in view the definition of Dn[β] operators and identity (1.1), we immediately deduce D~n[β]e0=Dn[β]e0, as well as the following identities


Using (1.5), the proof is ended. ∎

We indicate the first two central moments of the operators. Set φx(t)=tx, (t,x)+×+.

(D~n[β]φx)(x)=(nλn1)x+12λn,(D~n[β]φx2)(x)=(nλn1)2x2+nλn2(1+1(1β)21nλn)x+13λn2. (2.6)

We recall the Bohman-Korovkin criterion. Briefly speaking, this theorem says: if a sequence of linear and positive operators approximates uniformly the test functions ek, k=0,2¯, then it approximates all continuous functions defined on a compact interval.

Remark 2.2.

Based on Bohman-Korovkin theorem, studying relations (1.3) it can be observed that the sequence (Pn[β])n1 does not tend to the identity operator. To turn it into an approximation process we will proceed as follows. For each n, the constant β will be replaced by a number βn[0,1). If limnβn=0, then


uniformly on any compact interval K+. Consequently,

limn(Pn[βn]f)(x)=f(x), uniformly in xK.

What is important to point out is that for the Kantorovich variant defined at (2.2) we no longer have to make this change on the β parameter, as will be seen in the next paragraph.

3. Approximation properties of D~n[β] operators

We establish sufficient conditions for the sequence (D~n[β])n1 to become an approximation process in a certain specified space.

Throughout the paragraph we use standard notations. Set B(X) the Banach space of all real-valued bounded functions defined on X, endowed with the norm of the uniform convergence (briefly, sup-norm) defined by f=supxX|f(x)| for every fB(X). Also, set CB(X)=C(X)B(X), endowed with the sup-norm.

We mention that the operators D~n[β], n1, are non expansive in the space B(+), this means

D~n[β]ff, (3.1)

for any local integrable function f belonging to B(+). As a consequence, for each n, D~n[β] maps continuously CB(+) into itself.

Theorem 3.1

Let the operators D~n[β], n, be defined by (2.2) such that the following condition

limnnλn=1 (3.2)

is fulfilled. For any compact interval K+, the following relation

limnD~n[β]f=f uniformly on K

occurs, provided f is continuous and bounded on +.


A direct way to prove this result is to use a general result established by Altomare [3, Theorem 4.1] which says

Let X be a locally compact subset of d, d1. Consider a lattice subspace E of F(X) containing the set 𝒯={𝟏,pr1,,prd,i=1dprj2} and let (Ln)n1 be a sequence of positive linear operators from E into F(X) such that for every g𝒯,

limnLn(g)=g uniformly on compact subsets of X.

Then, for every fECB(X),

limnLn(f)=f uniformly on compact subsets of X.

In the above F(X) stands for the linear space of all real-valued functions defined on X and the function prj:d indicates the j-th coordinate function,


Applying the above result for d=1, X=+, E=C(+), the set 𝒯 will consist of the test functions ej, j{0,1,2}. The formulas (2.3)-(2.5) correlated with hypothesis (3.2) complete the proof. ∎

In order to obtain the error of approximation we use the modulus of continuity defined as follows

ωf(δ)ω(f;δ) =sup{|f(x)f(x′′)|:x,x′′+,|xx′′|δ}

where δ0 and fB(+).

Theorem 3.2

Let the operators D~n[β], n, be defined by (2.2). For any local integrable function defined on + belonging to B(+), we get

|(D~n[β]f)(x)f(x)|(1+τ(x)+λn2αn1)ω(f;αn),x0, (3.3)


τ(x)=maxx0{x,x2} and αn=(nλn1)2+(1+1(1β)2)nλn2,n1. (3.4)

To achieve the statement, we appeal to an old result established by Shisha and Mond [13]: if T is a linear and positive operator, then one has

|(Tf)(x)f(x)| |f(x)||(Te0)(x)1|

for every bounded function f. Using this inequality for D~n[β] operators, we take into account relation (2.3). Based on (2.6), we can write

(D~n[β]φx2)(x)αnτ(x)+λn2,n1. (3.5)

Choosing δ:=αn we arrive at (3.3) and the proof is over. ∎

Remark 3.3.

Let us suppose that f is uniformly continuous on +. In this case it is known that limδ0+ω(f;δ)=0, see, e.g., the monograph [5, page 40]. If we request that the condition (3.2) to be fulfilled, then relation (3.3) leads to the fact that ((D~n[β]f)(x))n0 is pointwise convergent to f(x) for any x+. Also, (3.2) guarantees that the upper-bound for the error of approximation has the magnitude 𝒪(1/n).

As a special case we indicate the rate of convergence of our operators by means of the elements of γ-Hölder continuous class

LipM(γ)={f:+|f(t)f(x)|M|tx|γ,(t,x)+×+}, (3.6)

where 0<γ1 and M is a nonnegative constant independent of f.

Theorem 3.4

Let the operators D~n[β], n, be defined by (2.2). For any function fLipM(γ) the following inequality

|(D~n[β]f)(x)f(x)|M(αnτ(x)+λn2)γ/2,x0, (3.7)

holds, where τ and αn are defined at (3.4).


Considering relations (2.3) and (3.6) we can write

|(D~n[β]f)(x)f(x)|D~n[β](|ff(x)|;x)MD~n[β](|φx|γ;x). (3.8)

At this point we apply Hölder inequalities with conjugate numbers




Returning at (3.8) we get

|(D~n[β]f)(x)f(x)| Mk=0wβ(k;un(x))(1λnkλn(k+1)λnφx2(t)𝑑t)γ/2

Using the inequality (3.5) we reach (3.7) and the proof is complete. ∎

We can also consider functions satisfying another Lipschitz type condition defined by Szász [14, Eq. (8)]. Set


where 0<γ1 and M is a nonnegative constant independent of f.

Since (t+x)γ/2<xγ/2, for t>0 and x>0, following a demonstration path similar to that indicated in Theorem 3.4, we can state

Remark 3.5.

For any function fLipM(γ) it takes place


where τ and αn are defined at (3.4).

We focus on establishing the degree of approximation in terms of the second modulus of smoothness ω2(f;) of a function fCB(+). It is given as follows


Also, a subtle measurement of the error of approximation is provided by K-functional introduced by Peetre [12]. If X0,X1 are two Banach spaces with X1 continuously embedded in X0, X1X0, the K-functional is defined for each fX0 by the formula


This quantity describes properties of approximation of fX0. More detailed, the inequality K(f;δ)<ε for δ>0 implies that f can be approximated with the error fgX0<ε in X0 by an element gX1 whose norm is not too large, namely gX1<εδ1. For our purpose, we choose


both spaces being endowed with the sup-norm . Thus, we will use


Based for example on [10, Proposition 6.1], between ω2 and K-functional the following relations hold: the positive constants c1 and c2 exist such that

c1ω2(f;δ)K(f;δ2)c2ω2(f;δ),δ>0. (3.9)
Theorem 3.6

Let the operators D~n[β], n, be defined by (2.2).

For every fCB(+) the following inequality

|(D~n[β]f)(x)f(x)|Mω2(f;δn(x))+ω(f;(nλn1)x+12λn),x0, (3.10)

holds, where M is a constant independent of f and


The quantities αn and τ are defined by (3.4).


Our approach follows a route similar to the proof that appears in [6, Theorem 3.2] aiming at a Kantorovich modification for Szász-Mirakjan operators based on Jain and Pethe operators [9].

At first we define the operators En[β]:CB(+)C(+),

(En[β]f)(x)=(D~n[β]f)(x)f(nλnx+12λn)+f(x). (3.11)

Using relations (2.3) and (2.4), obviously En[β]ek=ek for k{0,1}. Therefore, the first central moment En[β]φx is null. Since D~n[β] verifies (3.1), we have

|(En[β]h)(x)|3f,x0, (3.12)

for any hCB(+). Let gCB2(+) be arbitrarily chosen. By Taylor’s expansion with integral form of the remainder, we get


for t0 and x0. Applying En[β] on both sides, we can write successively

(En[β]g)(x)g(x) =g(x)(En[β]φx)(x)+En[β](xe0e1(e1ue0)g′′(u)𝑑u;x)

In the above we used (3.11). Considering the increase


it allows us to write


Returning at (3.11), with the help of (3.12), definition of modulus of continuity ω(f;) and (3.5), we get


Taking infimum with respect to all gCB2(+) and using (3.9) we arrive at (3.10) which concludes the proof. ∎

Remark 3.7.

Based on the fact that limnλn=0 and relation (3.2) takes place, we deduce limnδn(x)=0 for any x0.


In this article we propose an integral version in Kantorovich sense of a family of discrete operators recently obtained from genuine Jain operators. The proposed construction involves sub-intervals of the form [kλn,(k+1)λn], k0, these being used in several previous studies. A notable aspect in the fact that the proposed integral variant is an approximation process for any fixed parameter β belonging to the interval [0,1). In order to have the same quality, in the discrete operators β has to be replaced with a sequence of parameters (βn)n1 such that limnβn=0. For the newly created sequence of linear positive operators, the highlighted approximation properties involve locally integrable functions in different functions spaces. Upper bounds of approximation error have been established using the first and second order modulus of smoothness.


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[1] Abel, U., Agratini, O., Asymptotic behaviour of Jain operators, Numer. Algor., 71(2016), 553-565.
[2] Agratini, O., A stop over Jain operators and their generalizations, Analele Universitatii de Vest, Timi¸soara, Seria Matematica-Informatica, 56(2018), f. 2, 28-42.
[3] Altomare, F., Korovkin-type theorems and approximation by positive linear operators, Surveys in Approximation Theory, 5(2010), 92-164.
[4] Butzer, P.L., On the extensions of Bernstein polynomials to the infinite interval, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 5(1954), 547-553.
[5] DeVore, R.A., Lorentz, G.G., Constructive Approximation, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Vol. 303, Springer-Verlag, 1993.
[6] Dhamija, M., Pratap, R., Deo, N., Approximation by Kantorovich form of modified Szasz-Mirakyan operators, Appl. Math. Comput., 317(2018), 109-120.
[7] Dogru, O., Mohapatra, R.N., Orkcu, M., Approximation properties of generalized Jain operators, Filomat 30:9(2016), 2359-2366.
[8] Jain, G.C., Approximation of functions by a new class of linear operators, J. Australian Math. Soc., 13(1972), no. 3, 271-276.
[9] Jain, G.C., Pethe, S., On the generalizations of Bernstein and Szasz-Mirakjan operators, Nanta Math., 10(1977), 185-193.
[10] Johnen, H., Inequalities connected with the moduli of smoothness, Mat. Vesnik, 9(24)(1972), 289-305.
[11] Mirakjan, G.M., Approximation of functions with the aid of polynomials, (in Russian), Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 31(1941), 201-205.
[12] Peetre, J., A theory of interpolation of normed spaces, Notas de Matematica, Rio de Janeiro, 39(1968), 1-86. 288 Octavian Agratini and Ogun Dogru
[13] Shisha, O., Mond, B., The degree of convergence of linear positive operators, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 60(1968), 1196-1200.
[14] Szasz, O., Generalization of S. Bernstein’s polynomials to the infinite interval, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards, 45(1950), 239-245.
[15] Umar, S., Razi, Q., Approximation of functions by generalized Szasz operators, Commun. Fac. Sci. de l’Universite d’Ankara, Series A1: Mathematique, 34(1985), 45-52.


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