Posts by ictp

Professor Elena Popoviciu, a remarkable member of our Institute, was born on August 26, 1924, and this year we celebrate the 100 years anniversary.

She has activated at the Institute between 1951-1975, becoming a key member (sector chief).

Between 1949-1984 she has taught at the Babeş-Bolyai University, where she became a full professor. As a doctoral supervisor, she has conducted the doctoral program o several mathematicians, graphically illustrated at Scolii clujene de analiză numerică şi teoria aproximării.

She has published a book and scientific articles in the field of the approximation theory (convex functions, mean value theorems, allure, etc.).

Domnia sa a fost distinsă cu premiul  “Gheorghe Ţiţeica” al Academiei Române, 1974, precum şi cu Premiul de Stat (1966?).

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