Posts by ictp

We are glad to announce a recent publication in the important journal

Neural Networks*

by two young members of ICTP: C.-D. Alecsa and I. Boros.

Their research presents new benchmark optimization algorithms based upon sequential operator splitting technique for some associated dynamical systems.

The article was written in collaboration with T. Pinta, former collaborator of ICTP, at present at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford.

More info at:

The associated figure shows the performance of the algorithms compared to the standard algorithms.

*Based on the article influence score (AIS) of the Clarivate Journal Citation Reports 2019 – JCR, the Romanian agency UEFISCDI has ranked this journal in top 12 in the field of Computer Science, Artificial
Intelligence, while in 2018 it was ranked in top 7 based on the Impact Factor.

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