Abstract In this paper we study local approximation properties of a higher order Kantorovich-type Szász–Mirakjan operator recently introduced by Sabancigil,…
Abstract In this note, we spotlight a generalization of Weierstrass integral operators introduced by Eugeniusz Wachnicki. The construction involves modified…
Abstract Let \(a<c<b)\) real numbers, \((\mathbb{B},|\cdot|)\) a (real or complex) Banach space, \(H\in C([a,b]\times [a,c]\times\mathbb{B},\mathbb{B})\), \(K\in C([a,b]^{2}\times\mathbb{B},\mathbb{B})\), \(g\in C([a,b]),\mathbb{B} ,A:C([a,c],\mathbb{B})\rightarrow…
AbstractThe paper deals with semilinear operator equations involving iterates of a strongly monotone symmetric linear operator. In particular there are…