Shift λ-Invariant Operators


The present note is devoted to a generalization of the notion of shift invariant operators that we call it λ-invariant operators (λ ≥ 0). Some properties of this new class are presented. By using probabilistic methods, three examples are delivered.


Octavian Agratini
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ccluj-Napoca, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu, Institute of  Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romanian


Modulus of continuity, integral operator, convolution type operator, probabilistic distribution function


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Paper coordinates

O. Agratini, Shift λ – invariant operators, Constructive Mathematical Analysis, 2 (2019) 3, 103-108,
doi: 10.33205/cma.544094


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Constructive Mathematical Analysis

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Shift 𝜆-invariant operators

Shift λ-invariant operators

Octavian Agratini Babeş-Bolyai University,
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Str. Kogălniceanu, 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis,
Romanian Academy
Str. Fântânele, 57, 400320 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

ORCID: 0000-0002-2406-4274

The present note is devoted to a generalization of the notion of shift invariant operators that we call it λ-invariant operators (λ0). Some properties of this new class are presented. By using probabilistic methods, three examples are delivered.

Keywords and phrases: Modulus of continuity, integral operator, convolution type operator, probabilistic distribution function.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A35, 47B38.

1. Introduction

This research is mainly motivated by the work of G.A. Anastassiou and H.H. Gonska [6]. The authors have introduced a general family of integral type operators. Sufficient conditions were given for shift invariance and also the property of global smoothness preservation was studied.

Let (X,d) be a metric space of real valued functions defined on D, where D= or D=+. An operator L which maps X into itself is called a shift invariant operator if and only if

Lfα=(Lf)α for any fX and α>0,

where fα()=f(+α).

In this note we give a generalization of the notion of shift invariant operator. Some properties of this class are presented and a general family of such operators in the space of integrable functions L1() is introduced by using the convolution product of another operators with a scaling type function. By resorting to probabilistic methods, we indicate some classical operators as shift λ-invariant, where λ is calculated in each case.

We refer to the following operators: Szász-Mirakjan, Baskakov and Weierstrass. It is honest to mention that the value of λ does not target the whole sequence, it depends on the rank of the considered term.

The general results are concentrated in Section 2 and the applications are detailed in Section 3.

It is known that the shift invariant operators are useful in wavelet analysis. Along with the paper [6], the subject was developed in other papers, among which we quote [3], [4], [5]. Until now, we have built a generalization of the shift invariant operators and we proved that the new class is consistent. The applications presented reinforce the significance of the construction. The use of this class of operators could lead for generating wavelet bases type. In this direction, the conditions for multiresolution analysis can be relaxed by using shift λ-invariant operators. Thus, we can talk about quasi-wavelet functions that can serve to reconstruct certain signals. We admit that this research direction is at an early stage.

2. Results

Firstly, we present the following informal definition.

Definition 2.1.

Let λ be a non negative number and X be a metric space of real valued functions defined on or +. An operator L acting on X is called a shift λ-invariant operator if

|(Lf)αLfα|λ, for any fX and α>0. (2.1)

Clearly, for λ=0 we reobtain the notion of shift invariant operator.

Theorem 2.2.

Let A,B operators acting on a compact metric space X of real valued functions defined on or +.

i) If A is a shift λ-invariant and B is a shift invariant, then AB is a shift λ-invariant operator.

ii) If A is a shift invariant, linear and positive operator, and B is a shift λ-invariant, then AB is a shift λμ-invariant operator, where μ=A.

Call A=sup{AgX:gX and gX1}.

Proof. i) We take g=Bf and, in concordance with the hypothesis, we can write successively


which implies the first statement of the theorem.

ii) Since B is a shift λ-invariant operator, we get

λ(Bf)αBfαλ. (2.2)

The operator A is linear and positive, consequently it is monotone, i.e., AuAv for any u,v belong to X with the property uv.

A being a shift invariant operator too, relation (2.2) implies


where e0(x)=1, x or x+. Because of 0<Ae0A, the result follows.

Remark. Assuming Ae0=e0, relation usually verified by linear and positive operators (so called Markov type operators), we deduce that μ=1 and Theorem 2.2 (ii) guarantees that AB becomes a shift λ-invariant operator.

In what follows, starting from a sequence of shift λ-invariant operators and using a scaling type function, we construct a sequence of integral type operators.

For each n, let ln be a shift λn-operator which maps the space L1() into itself. Also, we are fixing a function ψL1() such that


For any fL1(), the convolution of lnf with ψ is a function named Lnf which belongs to L1() and is defined by

(Lnf)(x)=(lnfψ)(x)=(lnf)(y)ψ(xy)𝑑y. (2.3)

It is known that the convolution product enjoys the commutativity property. Let n arbitrarily be set. On the other hand, we have the following relations


which allow us to write

|(Lnf)α(x)(Lnfα)(x)| |(lnf)(x+αu)(lnfα)(xu)||ψ(u)|𝑑u

We just ended the proof of the following result.

Theorem 2.3.

Let Ln:L1()L1(), n1, be operators defined by (2.3). Then, for each n, Ln is a shift λnψ1-invariant operator.

We notice that if we substitute in (2.3) the function ψ by ψ11ψ, then the operator Ln becomes shift λn-invariant, n.

As usual, we denote by CB(D) the Banach lattice of all bounded and continuous real functions on D endowed with the sup-norm . Also CB1(D) denotes the subspace of CB(D) consisting of all functions which are continuously differentiable and bounded on D. We recall the definition of the first modulus of smoothness ω(f;) associated to the bounded function f:I, I,

ω(f;δ)=supx,yI|xy|δ|f(x)f(y)|,δ0. (2.4)

At this moment we need the following result.

Theorem 2.4.

([2, Theorem 7.3.4]) Let the random variable Y have distribution μ, E(Y):=x0 and Var(Y):=σ2. Consider fCB1(). Then

|Ef(Y)f(x0)|=|f𝑑μf(x0)|(1.5625)ω(f;σ2)σ. (2.5)

In the above E(Y), Var(Y) represent the expected value and variance of Y, respectively.

We consider the random variables Xj, j1, independent and identically distributed and we introduce

Xj,α=Xj+α,Sn,α=1nj=1nXj,α,n1. (2.6)

Clearly, Sn,0+α=Sn,α. If we use the notations E(Xj,α):=x0,α and Var(Xj,α):=σα2, by using the properties of the expectation respectively the variance, we obtain


From (2.5) we deduce

|E[f(Sn,α)]f(x0,α)| =|f(tn)𝑑Fn,α(t)f(x0,α)|
1.5625ω(f;σ02n)σ0n, (2.7)

where Fn,α is the distribution function of the random variable Sn,α.

It is known that by using probabilistic methods several classical positive and linear operators have been obtained. Pioneers in this research field can be mentioned here W. Feller [7] and D.D. Stancu [9]. A recent and up-to-date approach to this study direction concerning Markov semigroups and approximation processes can be found in [1].

As in [9], for each n1, we choose

(Lnf)(x)=E[fSn,0(x)]=f𝑑FSn,0(x), (2.8)

where FSn,0 is the probability distribution of the variable Sn,0. Note that Lnf is a bounded function and clearly satisfies Lnff.

Taking into account (2.6) and (2) we can write successively

|(Lnf)α(x)(Lnfα)(x)| |E[f(Sn,α)]f(x0,α)|+|E[fα(Sn,0)]fα(x0,0)|

where μ=1.5625. Also, based on the definition (2.4), we used the identity ω(fα;)=ω(f;) for each α0.

Finally, using that ω(f;) is a non-decreasing function, the above relations lead us to the following result.

Theorem 2.5.

Let Sn and Ln be defined by (2.6) and (2) respectively, where fCB1(). Let I be an interval such that supxIσ0(x)=γ<. The following identity

|(Lnf)α(x)(Lnfα)(x)|3.125ω(f;γ2n)γn,xI, (2.9)


In view of relation (2.1), the above theorem says that Ln operator, subject of certain conditions, is a λn-invariant operator, where


Here λn’s expression is complicated, consequently it is practically unattractive. With the desire to simplify it, we add an additional condition to function f. We require that f satisfies a Lipschitz condition with a constant M and exponent β, fLipMβ, (M0, 0<β1), that is


The new requirement implies the continuity of f. On the other hand, equivalent to this property is the inequality

ω(f;h)Mhβ,h0, (2.10)

see, e.g., [8, page 49].

Considering (2.9) and (2.10), the main result of this note will be read as follows.

Theorem 2.6.

Let Sn and Ln be defined by (2.6) and (2.8) respectively, where fCB() is differentiable on the domain such that fLipMβ. Let I be an interval and supxIσ0(x)=γ<. Then, for each n, Ln is a λn-shift invariant operator, where

λn=3.1252αM(γn)β+1. (2.11)

3. Applications

In this section we present three examples of classical operators, both of discrete and continuous type, which verify Theorem 2.5. We are able to indicate explicitly λn such that Ln may become a shift λn-invariant operator. In the following 0 stands for {0}.


E2(+)={fC(+):f(x)1+x2 is convergent as x},

representing a Banach lattice endowed with the norm

Example 3.1.

Let Xj, j1, be i.i. random variables having Poisson distribution, i.e., for each k0


which implies E(Xj)=x and Var(Xj)=x. Formula (2.8) leads us to Szász-Mirakjan operators defined for fE2(+) as follows

(Lnf)(x)(Mnf)(x)=enxk=0(nx)kk!f(kn),n1. (3.1)

Further on, we consider fCB1(+) and I=[0,a], a>0 fixed.
Consequently we get γ=a. Relation (2.9) yields

Example 3.2.

Let Xj, j1, be i.i. random variables following Pascal distribution, i.e., for each k0


which implies E(Xj)=x and Var(Xj)=x+x2. Applying formula (2.8) we get Baskakov operators defined for fE2(+) as follows

(Lnf)(x)(Vnf)(x)=1(1+x)nk=0(n+k1k)(x1+x)kf(kn),n1. (3.2)

We take fCB1(+) and I=[0,a], a>0 fixed. This time we have γ=a(a+1) and (2.9) yields

Example 3.3.

Assume Xj, j1, are i.i. continuous Gaussian random variables having the normal distribution N(x,σ). This means the probability density function is given by


It is known that Sn,0 has a normal distribution too, with E(Sn,0)=x and Var(Sn,0)=σ2/n. In this case, (2.8) yields the operator


For σ2=0.5 it reduces to genuine Weierstrass operator Wn.
For any fCB1() and I we have γ=21/2 and, in view of (2.9), we get

|(Wnf)α(x)(Wnfα)(x)|3.125ω(f;122n)12n,xI. (3.3)

Remark. Taking into account the results (3.1), (3.2), (3.3), under the hypotheses of Theorem 2.6, we can state that the operators Szász-Mirakjan, Baskakov and Weierstrass of rank n are shift C(τ/n)(β+1)/2-invariant operators, where C=3.125M2β and τ is defined as follows: τ=a for the first operator, τ=a2+a for the second operator and τ=0.5 for the last operator.


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  • [2] G.A. Anastassiou, Moments in probability and approximation theory, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, Vol. 287, Longman Scientific & Technical, England, 1993.
  • [3] G.A. Anastassiou, S.G. Gal, On some differential shift-invariant integral operators, univariate case revisited, Adv. Nonlinear Var. Inequal., 2(1999), no. 2, 71-83.
  • [4] G.A. Anastassiou, S.G. Gal, On some differential shift-invariant integral operators, univariate case revisited, Adv. Nonlinear Var. Inequal., 2(1999), no. 2, 97-109.
  • [5] G.A. Anastassiou, S.G. Gal, On some shift invariant multivariate, integral operators revisited, Commun. Appl. Anal., 5(2001), no. 2, 265-275.
  • [6] G.A. Anastassiou, H.H. Gonska, On some shift invariant integral operators, univariate case, Annales Polonici Mathematici, LXI(3)(1995), 225-243.
  • [7] W. Feller, An introduction to probability theory and its applications, Vol. I, II, John Wiley, New York, London, 1957 resp. 1966.
  • [8] G.G. Lorentz, Approximation of Functions, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1966.
  • [9] D.D. Stancu, Use of probabilistic methods in the theory of uniform approximation of continuous functions, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., Tome 14(5)(1969), 673-691.

[1] F. Altomare, M. Cappelletti Montano, V. Leonessa, I. Ra¸sa, Markov Operators, Positive Semigroups and Approximation Processes, De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 61, Berlin, 2014.
[2] G. A. Anastassiou, Moments in probability and approximation theory, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, Vol. 287, Longman Scientific & Technical, England, 1993.
[3] G. A. Anastassiou, S.G. Gal, On some differential shift-invariant integral operators, univariate case revisited, Adv. Nonlinear Var. Inequal., 2(1999), no. 2, 71-83.
[4] G. A. Anastassiou, S.G. Gal, On some differential shift-invariant integral operators, univariate case revisited, Adv. Nonlinear Var. Inequal., 2(1999), no. 2, 97-109.
[5] G. A. Anastassiou, S.G. Gal, On some shift invariant multivariate, integral operators revisited, Commun. Appl. Anal., 5(2001), no. 2, 265-275.
[6] G. A. Anastassiou, H.H. Gonska, On some shift invariant integral operators, univariate case, Annales Polonici Mathematici, LXI(3)(1995), 225-243.
[7] W. Feller, An introduction to probability theory and its applications, Vol. I, II, John Wiley, New York, London, 1957 resp. 1966.
[8] G. G. Lorentz, Approximation of Functions, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1966.
[9] D. D. Stancu, Use of probabilistic methods in the theory of uniform approximation of continuous functions, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., Tome 14(5)(1969), 673-691.


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