Smooth dependence on parameters for a differential equation with delay from population dynamics


Time delays occur in differential equation arising in many fields of applied mathematics: chemistry, ecology, biology, population dynamics, electric engineering. In population dynamics they may model the gestation or maturation time of a species, or time taken for food resources to regenerate. The purpose of this paper is to study the dependence on parameter for a differential system with delays from population dynamics using the theory of weakly Picard operators. The theory of weakly Picard operators is very useful in studying the properties of the solution of Volterra integral equations.


D. Otrocol
-Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy


Cite this paper as:

D. Otrocol, Smooth dependence on paramters for a differential equation with delay from population dynamics,  2007 International Conference on Engineering and Mathematics, Bilbao, July 9-11, 2007, pp. 3-10.




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