Book summary
Summary of the book…
Book title
Book subtitle
Fluid and Structural Mechanics and Beyond
Book cover

1 General Formulation of Spectral Approximation
1.1 The Tau and Galerkin Spectral Methods
1.2 Theoretical Foundation of Spectral Collocation
2 Tau and Galerkin Methods for Fourth Order GEPs
2.1 The ChT Method
2.2 The ChG Method
2.3 ChT Methods for GEPs with k Dependent Boundary Conditions
2.3.1 Second Order S-L Problems with Parameter Dependent Boundary Conditions
2.3.2 The Stability of some Elastic Systems
2.3.3 A Modified ChT Method for a Particular O-S Problem
3 The Chebyshev Collocation Method
3.1 ChC Method Versus ChG and ChT Methods in Solving Fourth Order GEPs
3.2 The Viola’s Eigenvalue Problem
3.3 Linear Hydrodynamic Stability of Thermal Convection with Variable Gravity Field
3.4 Linear Hydrodynamic Stability of EHD Convection Between Two Parallel Walls
3.5 Multiparameter Mathieu’s Problem
3.6 Improvements Induced by JD Methods
4 The Laguerre Collocation Method
4.1 LC Solutions to a Third Order Linear Boundary Value Problem on the Half-Line
4.2 The Falkner-Skan Problem
4.3 The Laguerre Differentiation Matrices
4.4 The LC algorithm
4.5 Numerical Solutions to Falkner-Skan Problem
4.6 Second Order Nonlinear Singular Boundary Value Problems on the Half-Line
4.7 Second Order Eigenvalue Problems on Half-Line
4.8 Fourth Order Eigenvalue Problems on Half-Lin
4.9 The Movement of a Pile
5 Conclusions and Further Developments
5.1 Lessons Learned Along the Way
5.2 Further Developments
Ch. 1 General Formulation of Spectral Approximation
The chapter contains first the general formulation of the spectral approximation as a weighted residual method, i.e., the projection and interpolation operators, test and trial (shape) functions etc. Then, the functional framework of the tau and Galerkin methods based on Chebyshev polynomials is provided, mainly discussing the projection operators. The Chebyshev collocation is introduced in some details. The Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature formulas are reviewed, and the interpolation operator along with the collocation (otherwise called pseudospectral) differentiation matrices are considered. On a regular second order S-L problem, some remarks on the behavior of solutions of Chebyshev collocation, Chebyshev tau and of a Galerkin type method with respect to their order of convergence are conducted.
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Ch. 2 Tau and Galerkin Methods for Fourth Order GEPs
Tau method is detailed mainly for fourth order eigenproblems. For such problems tau differentiation matrices up to fourth order are provided. As some of these problems are self-adjoint a weak (variational) along with a minimization formulation are suggested. The Galerkin method is analyzed with respect to the possibility to choice test and trial functions in order to improve the properties of the differentiation (discretization) matrices, i.e., conditioning, sparsity and symmetry. The non-normality of the differentiation (discretization) matrices is quantified using a scalar measure, i.e., the Henrici’s number and the pseudospectrum. The chapter also contains useful hints about the efficient implementation of both methods. A particular attention is paid to the capabilities of tau method to handle GEPs supplied with parameter dependent boundary conditions. The linear stability of some elastic systems as well as the linear hydrodynamic stability of some parallel shear flows (the so called Marangoni-Plateau-Gibbs effect) are analyzed in this context.
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Ch. 3 The Chebyshev Collocation Method
The chapter is devoted to the efficient implementation of Chebyshev collocation method. First, the performances of the method in solving fourth order GEPs are compared with those of ChT and ChG counterparts. Then, ChC method is used to solve some genuinely high order, i.e., larger than two, and/or singularly perturbed eigenvalue problems. Two of them, of sixth and eighth order represent linear hydrodynamic stability problems. Also some fourth order problems with variable coefficients (tensile instabilities of thin annular plates etc.) are successfully considered. In order to reduce the high order problems to systems of second order equations supplied with Dirichlet boundary conditions we introduce a so called “\(D^{(2)}\)” strategy or factorization. Using this strategy with \(N=2^10\) a conjecture with respect to the first eigenvalue of the Viola’s problem is stated. This is a fourth order singularly perturbed eigenvalue problem. A special attention is paid to the well known Mathieu’s system as a MEP. A lot of eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies corresponding to various geometries of the vibrating elliptic membrane problem, in which this system is originated, are displayed. In order to avoid spurious eigenvalues (at infinity) and to improve the computation of a specified region of the spectrum, mainly in case of large problems, some Jacobi Davidson type methods are used. Making use of the pseudospectrum of a singular GEP we comment on the backward stability and the order of convergence of JD and Arnoldi methods in computing the first two eigenvalues.
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Ch. 5 Conclusions and Further Developments
Spectral tau, Galerkin and collocation methods are briefly revised. On bounded domains all of them are constructed using Chebyshev polynomials. Collocation on an unbounded domain is based on Laguerre functions. Practical and computational aspects of these methods are mainly emphasized. High order eigenvalue problems, i.e., of fourth, sixth and eighth orders along with genuinely nonlinear and singular perturbed two-point eigenvalue problems are considered. The capabilities of the methods are analysed based on the conditioning and normality of the differentiation matrices in both the physical and phase (coefficient) spaces.
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Book coordinates
C.I. Gheorghiu, Spectral Methods for Non-Standard Eigenvalue Problems. Fluid and Structural Mechanics and Beyond, SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, 2014, 120+X pp., ISBN 978-3-319-06229-7,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06230-3
Book Title
Spectral Methods for Non-Standard Eigenvalue Problems
Print ISBN