Former member of ICTP.

He was formed here as numerical analyst – he has prepared and defended the PhD thesis while working at the Institute, and has published several papers in the field.
After leaving ICTP he has published a (cited) paper in SIAM J. Sci. Comput.

Fields of interest:

  • Approximation Theory
  • Nonlinear Iterative Methods (Newton, conjugate gradients)
  • Numerical Analysis/Numerical Linear Algebra:
    – iterative methods for solving linear systems;
    – multilevel methods (multigrid, algebraic multigrid);
  • Numerical Methods for Solving Differential and Partial Differential Equations:
    – finite differences, finite element, wavelets, meshless;
  • Parallel Algorithms (MPI)
  • Methods for Accelerating the Convergence of Sequences

version: March 12, 2018.

Personal Data

Date and place of birth July, 23, 1967, Dej, Romania
Civil status Married

Education and degrees

2001 Ph.D. in Mathematics
‘Babes-Bolyai’ University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Doctoral dissertation ‘Numerical methods for approximating solutions of some Boundary Problems
concerning to differential and partial differential equations‘, PhD advisor: prof. dr. Gheorghe Micula
1991 Master of Science
Faculty of Mathematics, ‘Babes-Bolyai’ University, Cluj-Napoca
1985 graduated the Theoretical High School ‘Andrei Muresanu’, Dej

Employment history

2003-? research scientist CENAERO-Research Center in Aeronautics(Belgium)
1992-2008 researcher, ‘T. Popoviciu’ Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy
1991-1992 assistant researcher, ‘T. Popoviciu’ Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy

Further experiences and training


2001-2003 Post-doc., Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Milieux Continus project SIVA-Simulation de problemes vibro-acoustiques par methodes numeriques sans maillage
1 March – 30 April 2000 Heidelberg University, IWR(Technical simulation Group) in the program ‘Applied Mathematics for Industrial Flow Problems (AMIF)’, grant supported by European Science Foundation
29 June – 7 July 2001 INRIA Rocquencourt (France), Action De Recherche Cooperative ‘Instabilites de Surface de Materiaux Contraints’
10 June – 7 July 2001 Universite de Poitiers (France), Laboratoire d’Applications des Mathematiques, in the program ‘Applied Mathematics for Industrial Flow Problems (AMIF)’, grant supported by European Science Foundation
25 Sept. – 9 Oct. 2000 Universite de Poitiers (France), Laboratoire d’Applications des Mathematiques, invited by Prof. A. Miranville
31 May-12 June 1999 European Summer School: Multiscale Approaches for Partial Differential Equations, Marseilles, France
6-21 Sept. 1999 EMS/WiR Summer School Numerical Simulation of Flows Heidelberg, Germany

Selected Meetings and Symposia

  • 25-30 Oct. 1993, The Academic Days of Cluj-Napoca, with communication ‘Some Consideration Concerning Algebraic Multigrid Methods’
  • 27-30 Sept. 1994, Conference of Nonlinear Operators and Differential Equations, Cluj-Napoca, with communication ‘On Multilevel Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Integral Equations’ (in collaboration with I. Lazar)
  • 17-29 Oct. 1994, The Academic days of Cluj-Napoca, with communication ‘Methods for accelerating the Convergence of a class of Sequences’ (in collaboration with I. lazar), and, ‘On Newton-projective Methods for Solving Nonlinear Integral Equations’ (in collaboration with I. Lazar)
  • 3-7 July 1995, The Third International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hamburg, Germany with communication ‘Incremental Unknowns for solving Anisotropic Elliptic Equations’
  • 23-27 Oct. 1995, The Academic days of Cluj-Napoca, with communication Method for Solving Linear Systems Obtained by Incremental Unknowns Method’
  • 21-26 May 1997, Seminaire itinerant ‘Tiberiu Popoviciu’ d’equations fonctionelles, approximation et convexite, Cluj-Napoca, ‘Approximation by Spline Functions of the Solution of a Singularly Perturbed Bilocal Problem’ (in collaboration with C. Mustata)

Membership in professional societies

  • GAMM (Gesellshaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik)

Recent publications


Older publications – while working at ICTP


Publication Fields