Abstract? AuthorsA.B. Nemeth Institutul de Matematica, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (ICTP) KeywordsOrdered regular vector spaces; nonconvex vector minimization; axiom of choice ReferencesSee…
Abstract? AuthorsA.B. Németh Institute of Mathematics Cluj-Napoca, (ICTP) Keywords? ReferencesSee the expanding block below. Paper coordinatesA.B. Nemeth, On the subdifferentiability of…
Abstract? AuthorsG. Isac Departement de Mathematiques, College Militaire Royal, St. Jean, Q&bee, Canada JOJ IR A.B. Németh Institutul de Matematica, Str.…
AbstractAuthorsMira-Cristiana Anisiu Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Valeriu Anisiu Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Mathematics and…
AbstractAuthorsCostica Mustata Institutul de Calcul, Romania (ICTP) KeywordsPaper coordinatesC. Mustata, Best approximation and unique extension of Lipschitz functions, J. Approx. Theory,…
AbstractAuthorsS. Cobzas Institutul de Matematica Cluj-Napoca, Romania C. Mustata Institutul de Matematica, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (ICTP) KeywordsReferencesSee the expanding block below.…