Institute annual report 1967

updates: February ?, 2024. Main version: February ?, 2024.

Human resources

Institute Head: Prof. Dr. Tiberiu Popoviciu, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy

Papers published in 1967

Note: papers appear here either because the author was hired here (the approximate years were reconstituted by Prof. Dr. Ion Păvăloiu), or due to the List of papers of the Institute members and of the Institute collaborators.

  • O. Aramă, D. Ripianu,  Sur l’équation De la Vallée Poussin, relative au problème polylocal de la théorie des équations différentielles. Colocviul de teoria aproximării funcţiilor, Cluj, 15-20 sept. 1967. (lucrare realizată în colaborare cu D. Ripianu) (29 pag.).
  • O. Aramă, Contribuţii la studiul problemei policolace relative la ecuaţii diferenţiale ordinare.Teză (pentru obţinerea titlului de doctor în matematică), Instit. de Calcul al Academiei R.S.R., 1967.
  • O. Aramă, Sur l’application de la méthode des approximations succesives à la résolution de quelques problèmes aux limites polylocaux relatifs aux équations différentielles ordinaires.Apărută în rezumat, în volumul ˝Colocvul internaţional de aplicare a matematicii în inginerie˝, Weimar, iunie, 1967.
  • O. Aramă, Sur une classe d’opérateurs positifs, Mathematica, vol. 9 (32), 2, 1967, pp. 205-218.
  • Gh. Farkas, M. Bocu, Asupra proiectului calculatorului DACICC-200, Sesiune de Comunicari, Institutul Politehnic Timisora, Timisoara, 26-27 mai 1967.
  • M. Bocu, Gh. Farkas, Asupra sumatoarelor rapide cu acumularea rezultatelor, Sesiune de Comunicari, Institutul Politehnic Timisora, Timisoara, 26-27 mai 1967.
  • D. Beloiu, M. Bocu, Gh. Farkas, Unitatea de intrare-iesire la calculatorul DACICC-200, Sesiune de Comunicari, Institutul Politehnic Timisora, Timisoara, 26-27 mai 1967.
  • Gh. Farkas, M. Bocu, Asupra structurii calculatorului electronic DACICC-200, Colocviul de teoria aproximarii functiilor, Academia R.S.R. Filiala Cluj, 15-20 sept. 1967.
  • Gh. Farkas, M. Bocu, Structura unitatii centrale a calculatorului DACICC-200, Colocviul de Tehnica de Calcul si Calculatoare, C.N.C.S. Bucuresti, 22-28 sept. 1967.
  • Gh. Călugăreanu, Courbes fermées simples sur une surface fermée orientable, Mathematica, Vol. 9 (32), 2, 1967, pp. 225-231. ???
  • Gh. Călugăreanu, Considérations directes sur la génération des nœuds (II), Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Series Mathematica-Physica, Fasciculus 2, 1967, Separatum, pp. 25-30. ???
  • D.V. Ionescu, Formules de cubature avec un nombre reduit de nœuds. I. (French) Bul. Inst. Politehn. Iaşi (N.S.) 13 (17) 1967 fasc. 3-4, 111–118.
  • D.V. Ionescu, Restes des formules de quadrature de Gauss et de Turán. (French) Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 18 1967 283–295.
  • D.V. Ionescu, Decomposition of a rational function into simple rational functions and divided differences.(Romanian) Gaz. Mat. Ser. A 72 1967 201–205.
  • H. Kramer, Über einen Satz von Fenchel. (German) Mathematica (Cluj) 9 (32) 1967 281–283.
  • Gh. Cimoca, A. Lupaş,  Two generalizations of the Meyer-König and Zeller operator, Mathematica (Cluj) 9 (32) 1967 233–240.
  • A. Lupaş, Some properties of the linear positive operators. II, Mathematica (Cluj) 9 (32) 1967 295–298.
  • A. Lupaş, M. Müller, Approximationseigenschaften der Gammaoperatoren. (German) Math. Z. 98 1967 208–226.
  • A. Lupaş, Some properties of the linear positive operators. I, Mathematica (Cluj) 9 (32) 1967 77–83.
  • M. Peter-Mihoc, On nomograms of genus zero with two regulated and one projective scale, (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 19 1967 715–721.
  • V. Peteanu, On the compatibility of the central problem of ordering, (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 19 1967 47–52.
  • V. Peteanu, An algebra of the optimal path in networks, Mathematica (Cluj) 9 (32) 1967 335–342.
  • V. Peteanu, Sur la compatibilité du problème central de l’ordonnancement, (French) Mathematica (Cluj) 9 (32) 1967 141–146.
  • E. Munteanu, Analyse loogique des algoritmes (II), Mathematica, Vol. 9 (32), 1967, nr.1, pg. 111-128.
  • E. Munteanu, Sistemul de opeare SERU al calculatorului DACICC-200, Lucrările colectivului internațional de aplicații ale calculatoarelor, 1967.
  • E. Munteanu, Logical analysis of algorithms. II. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 19 1967 415–422
  • A.B. Németh, Homeomorphic projections of k-independent sets and Chebyshev subspaces of finite dimensional Chebyshev spaces, Mathematica (Cluj)9 (32) 1967 325–333.
  • T. Popoviciu, Über die Einwertigkeit und die Mehrwertigkeit der Funktionen einer reellen Variablen, IKM, IV Internationaler Kongress über Anwendungen der Mathematik in dem ingenieurwissenschaften, Berichte 2, Weimar (DDR) 1967, pp. 155-158 (in German).
  • T. Popoviciu, Remarques sur le reste de certaines formules d’approximation d’une différence divisée par des dérivées, Bul. Inst. Politehn. Iaşi (N.S.), 13(17) (1967) fasc. 3-4, pp. 103-109 (in French)
  • T. Popoviciu, On some functions which verify differential inequalities, Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae. Mathematica, XVII, pp. 307-314 (Differential equations and their applications, Proceedings of the Conference held in Bratislava in September 1966, Bratislava, Slovenské pedagogiciké nakladatelstvo 1967, Valter Šeda ed.).
  • T. Popoviciu, Analiză numerică, vol. 1, Noţiuni introductive de calcul aproximativ, Academia R.S.R., Filiala Cluj, Institutul de Calcul, 248 pp. (litografiat) (in Romanian).
  • T. Popoviciu, Sur la conservation de l’allure d’une fonction par interpolation, Colloque sur la théorie des fonctions, Cluj, 15-20 septembre, 1967.
  • T. Popoviciu, Fragment din cuvântul de deschidere la Colocviul de teoria aproximării funcţiilor, GM Ser. A, vol. 72 (1967) no. 11 (noiembrie-november), pp. 401-402.
  • I. Păvăloiu, Asupra unor inegalităţi recurente şi aplicaţii ale lor, Studii şi cercetări matematice, 8 (1967), pp. 1175-1179 (in Romanian).
  • I. Păvăloiu, Observaţii asupra rezolvării sistemelor de ecuaţii cu ajutorul procedeelor iterative, Studii şi cercetări matematice, 19 (1967) no. 9, pp. 1289-1298 (in Romanian; English translation provided).
  • T. Rus, The algebra of formalized languages. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 19 1967 1309–1324.
  • T. Rus, Algebraic treatment of formalized languages.(Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 19 1967 259–272.

Prizes, outstanding achievements

  • (to be completed)

Contracts at the Institute

  • (to be completed)

Editorial activity

  • (to be completed)


Conferences organized by the Institute

  • (to be completed) colocviile (??)

International scientific collaborations

  • (to be completed)

Prizes, outstanding achievements

  • (to be completed)

Membership in professional organizations

  • Tiberiu Popoviciu, SSMR member
  • ??, (to be completed)

Peer review

Members of international committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of national committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of PhD evaluation committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of PhD supervising committees

  • (to be completed)

Referee reports for peer reviewed journals:

  • (data not available)

Book reviews:

  • (data not available)


for the two major international databases.

For Mathematical Reviews:

  • (to be completed)

For ZBL Math:

  • (to be completed)