Posts by Radu Precup


Having in view a model proposed by Nield and Kuznetsov (Transp Porous Media 59:325–339, 2005; Transp Porous Media 96:495–499, 2013), we consider a more general system of coupled Navier–Stokes type equations in the incompressible case subject to the homogeneous Dirichlet condition in a bounded domain. We provide a deep theoretical analysis for large classes of equations and coupled systems of Navier–Stokes type with various non-homogeneous terms of reaction type. Existence results are obtained by using a variational approach making use of several fixed point principles and matrix theory.


Mirela Kohr
Department of Mathematics Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Radu Precup
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and Institute of Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Babeş–Bolyai University
Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy


Navier–Stokes equations; Bidisperse porous media; Fixed point technique.

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M. Kohr, R. Precup, Analysis of Navier-Stokes models for flows in bidisperse porous media, J. Math. Fluid Mechanics, 25 (2023) art. no. 38,


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Analysis of Navier-Stokes models for flows in bidisperse porous media

Analysis of Navier-Stokes models for flows in bidisperse porous media

Mirela Kohr, Radu Precup M. Kohr, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeş–Bolyai University, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania R. Precup, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and Institute of Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Babeş–Bolyai University, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania & Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis, Romanian Academy, P.O. Box 68-1, 400110 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Having in view a model proposed by Nield and Kuznetsov (2005, 2013), we consider a more general system of coupled Navier-Stokes type equations in the incompressible case subject to the homogeneous Dirichlet condition in a bounded domain. We provide a deep theoretical analysis for large classes of equations and coupled systems of Navier-Stokes type with various non-homogeneous terms of reaction type. Existence results are obtained by using a variational approach making use of several fixed point principles and matrix theory.

Key words and phrases:
Navier-Stokes equations; bidisperse porous media; fixed point technique
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification:
35Q30, 76D05

In memory of Professor Gabriela Kohr, with deep respect

1. Introduction

The Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems play a main role in various areas of fluid mechanics, engineering, biology, chemistry, and there is a huge list of references concerning the mathematical analysis of related boundary value problems and of their applications. Among of them, we mention the books [4], [5], [9], [13], [24], [25], [29], [41], [42], [45], [46].

Let N2 and Ω be an open set in N. Let η,κ0 and μ>0 be given constants. Let 𝐮 and p be unknown vector and scalar fields. Let us assume that 𝐟 is a given vector field defined on Ω. Then the equations

(1.1) μΔ𝐮+η𝐮+κ(𝐮)𝐮+p=𝐟,div𝐮=0 in Ω

determine a Navier-Stokes type system in the incompressible framework. If η=0 and κ>0 we then obtain the well-known Navier-Stokes system in the incompressible case, while for η=κ=0, (1.1) becomes the Stokes system, which is an Agmon-Douglis-Nirenberg elliptic and linear system (see, e.g., [13], [16], [29], [45] for further details).

Extensions to a more general case of anisotropic Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems with L-variable coefficients, and the analysis of various boundary value problems involving them can be consulted in [18], [19], [20], [21] and the references therein.

Fabes, Kenig and Verchota [12] used a layer potential approach in the analysis of the Dirichlet problem for the Stokes system on Lipschitz domains in the Euclidean setting (see also [10] for applications of the layer potential approach for strongly elliptic differential operators). Dindos̆ and Mitrea [11] proved the well-posedness in Sobolev and Besov spaces for the Dirichlet problem for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems with smooth coefficients in Lipschitz domains on compact Riemannian manifolds. Mitrea and Wright [27] obtained well-posedness results in Sobolev and Besov spaces for Dirichlet problems for the Stokes system with constant coefficients in Lipschitz domains in n for Dirichlet problems for the Stokes, Oseen and Navier-Stokes systems with constant coefficients in a non-solenoidal framework (see also the references therein).

Korobkov, Pileckas and Russo [22] studied the flux problem in the theory of steady Navier-Stokes equations with constant coefficients and non-homogeneous boundary conditions. Amrouche and Rodríguez-Bellido [1] proved the existence of a very weak solution for the non-homogeneous Dirichlet problem for the compressible Navier-Stokes system in a bounded domain of the class C1,1 in 3.

Bulícˇek, Málek and Zˇabenský [6] studied a boundary value problem with homogeneous Dirichlet condition associated with a system of nonlinear partial differential equations that generalize the classical fluid flow models of Stokes, Darcy, Forchheimer and Brinkman, by assuming that the viscosity and the drag coefficient depend on the shear rate and the pressure. The authors proved the existence of weak solutions to the problem under a minimal number of conditions, and analyzed relevant examples of viscosities and drag coefficients modeling real physical situations.

The authors in [18] analyzed in L2-based Sobolev spaces, the non-homogeneous boundary value problems of Dirichlet-transmission type for the anisotropic Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems in a compressible framework in a bounded Lipschitz domain with a transversal Lipschitz interface in n, n2 (n=2,3 for the nonlinear problems). They proved the existence of a weak solution to the Dirichlet problem and the Dirichlet-transmission problem for the nonlinear anisotropic Navier-Stokes system by using the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem and various results and estimates from the linear case, as well as the Leray-Hopf inequality and some other norm inequalities. Explicit conditions for uniqueness of solutions to the nonlinear problems have been also provided. Mixed problems and mixed-transmission problems for the anisotropic Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems in bounded Lipschitz domains with transversal Lipschitz interfaces have been considered in [19] and analyzed from the variational point of view. The authors in [17] used a layer potential approach and the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem and proved existence results for a nonlinear Neumann-transmission problem for the Stokes and Brinkman systems in Lp, Sobolev, and Besov spaces. Mazzucato and Nistor [26] obtained well-posedness and regularity results in Sobolev spaces for the linear elasticity equations in the anisotropic case with mixed boundary conditions on polyhedral domains.

1.1. Bidisperse porous media and some related models

A bidisperse porous medium (BDPM) may be described as a standard porous medium in which the solid phase is replaced by another porous medium. Thus, a BDPM can be viewed as a medium composed of clusters of large particles that are agglomerations of small particles (cf. [8], see also [32], [33]). The voids between the clusters are macro-pores and the voids within the clusters, which are much smaller in size, are micro-pores. We can then define the f-phase (the macro-pores) and the p-phase (the remainder of the structure). Bidisperse adsorbent or bidisperse capillary wicks in a heat pipe are practical applications related to bidisperse porous media. There are also various biological structures, such as bone regeneration scaffolds, that can be described in terms of bidisperse porous media (see also [33]).

Extending the Brinkman model for a monodisperse porous medium, Nield and Kuznetsov [30] considered a model to describe the steady-state momentum transfer in a BDPM by the following pair of coupled equations for vf and vp,


where the asterisks denote dimensional variables, 𝐆 is the negative of the applied pressure gradient, μ is the fluid viscosity, Kp and Kf are the permeabilities of the two phases, ζ is the coefficient for momentum transfer between the two phases, and μ~f and μ~p are the effective viscosities of the two phases (cf. also [32]). In the model proposed by Nield and Kuznetsov [30], the quadratic or Forchheimer terms |𝐯p|𝐯p and 𝐯f|𝐯f have been neglected. This model and various extensions have been considered in many studies related to forced, natural and mixed convection. Among them, we mention [7], [23], [28], [31], [33], [40], [39], [43] (see also the references therein). The thermal convection in an anisotropic bidisperse porous medium has been investigated in [44].

Nield and Kuznetsov [33] extended their linear model proposed in [30] by adding some semilinear terms, called the Forchheimer drag terms, as follows


where ρ is the density of the fluid, and cf and cp are the Forchheimer coefficients.

The Nield-Kuznetsov models described above are based on the same pressure gradient 𝐆 in both phases. Other models consider possible different pressures in the macro and micro phases. For instance, Straughan [44] having analyzed a model of thermal convection in an anisotropic bidispersive porous medium with permeability tensors in the macro and micro phases, considers different velocities 𝐔f and 𝐔p and different pressures pf and pp in the macro and micro-pores (see also [7] and the references therein for similar models of bidisperse porous media with different velocities and different pressures in macro and micro phases).

Having in view the model of Nield and Kuznetsov [33], where the steady-state momentum transfer is described by the previous semilinear system, and also the model of Straughan [44], we consider a more general nonlinear coupled type Navier-Stokes system arising in the analysis of fluid flows in bidisperse porous media. Thus, our paper is build around the following system

{μ1Δ𝐮1+η1𝐮1+κ1(𝐮1)𝐮1+p1=𝐡1α1|𝐮1|p1𝐮1γ1(𝐮1𝐮2)in Ωμ2Δ𝐮2+η2𝐮2+κ2(𝐮2)𝐮2+p2=𝐡2α2|𝐮2|p1𝐮2γ2(𝐮2𝐮1)in Ωdiv 𝐮i=0in Ω𝐮i=0on Ω(i=1,2),

where ΩN is a bounded domain (N3), p1, ηi,κi,αi0 and μi,γi>0, i=1,2, are given constants whose meaning depends on the physical properties of fluid flow and porous medium, while 𝐡i, i=1,2, are given data in some Sobolev spaces.

In order to analyze this system, we provide a deep analysis of a homogeneous Dirichlet problem of more general coupled Navier-Stokes systems with various non-homogeneous terms of reaction type, and obtain existence results by using a variational approach combined with fixed point theorems, a technique already used for other classes of equations (see [34, Ch. 6], [35], [37, Chs. 9-12], [38]).

The paper is structured as follows. First, we mention some well-known but useful results regarding the stationary Navies-Stokes equations in the incompressible case. The next section is devoted to the analysis of the homogeneous Dirichlet problem for the Navier-Stokes equations with reaction terms. We obtain existence results based on the Schauder fixed point theorem and the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem. Uniqueness result can be also obtained by using the Banach contraction principle, by imposing additional conditions to the reaction terms. The third section is devoted to the analysis of a coupled system of Navier-Stokes equations. The last section is devoted to a coupled system that could describe a fluid flow in a bidisperse porous medium. We obtain related existence and uniqueness results that follow as consequences of the results obtained in the previous sections.

1.2. Stationary Navier-Stokes type equations

Let N3 and ΩN be an bounded domain.

Next we recall some well-known results about the system

(1.2) {μΔ𝐮+η𝐮+κ(𝐮)𝐮+p=𝐟in Ωdiv𝐮=0in Ω𝐮=0on Ω

where μ>0,κ,η0 are given constants and 𝐟H1(Ω)N is a given distribution.

The variational form of system (1.2) with the unknown pair (𝐮,p)V×L2(Ω) is

(1.3) μ(𝐮,𝐯)H01+η(𝐮,𝐯)L2+κb(𝐮,𝐮,𝐯)(p,div𝐯)L2 = (𝐟,𝐯),𝐯H01(Ω)N,


(𝐮,𝐯)L2 = i=1NΩuivi,(𝐮,𝐯)H01=i=1NΩuivi
b(𝐮,𝐯,𝐰) = i,j=1NΩujvixjwi,(𝐟,𝐯)=i=1N(fi,vi),
V = {𝐯=(v1,,vN)H01(Ω)N:div𝐯=0}.

For 𝐮V, equation (1.3) gives

(1.4) μ(𝐮,𝐯)H01+η(𝐮,𝐯)L2+κb(𝐮,𝐮,𝐯)=(𝐟,𝐯),𝐯V.

Once a solution 𝐮V to (1.4) is found, the pressure pL2(Ω) is guaranteed by De Rham’s Theorem (cf., e.g., [45, Proposition 1.1, Chapter 1], [15, Theorem 2.3, Chapter 1], see also [2], [3, Theorem 2.1]).

On H01(Ω)N consider the inner product and norm


which when applied to the subspace V will be denoted by (,)V and ||V , respectively. Then the embedding constants and the corresponding inequalities for the inclusions VL2(Ω)NV are

(1.5) |𝐮|L21μλ1+η|𝐮|V(𝐮V),|𝐡|V1μλ1+η|𝐡|L2(𝐡L2(Ω)N),

where λ1 is the first eigenvalue of Δ with respect to the homogeneous Dirichlet problem. Indeed, knowing that


we have

(1.6) |𝐮|V2=μ|𝐮|H012+η|𝐮|L22(μλ1+η)|𝐮|L22,

whence the first inequality in (1.5). Based on (1.6), the second inequality is obtained as follows:


Also VH01(Ω)NH1(Ω)NV  and

(1.7) |𝐡|V=sup𝐯V|(𝐡,𝐯)||𝐯|Vsup𝐯H01(Ω)N|(𝐡,𝐯)||𝐯|V=|𝐡|H1(𝐡H1(Ω)N).

Recall that the trilinear functional b:V×V×V satisfies

b(𝐮,𝐯,𝐰)+b(𝐮,𝐰,𝐯) = 0(𝐮,𝐯,𝐰V),
|b(𝐮,𝐯,𝐰)| M|𝐮|V|𝐯|V|𝐰|V,

where M>0 is a constant depending on μ and η. Also, using the Galerkin method, one can prove that for every 𝐟V, equation (1.4) has at least one solution 𝐮V (see, e.g., [13], [45]).

Uniqueness: For every 𝐟V, with |𝐟|V<1/(κM), equation (1.4) has at most one solution 𝐮V. Indeed, if 𝐮1,𝐮2V are solutions and we let 𝐮=𝐮1𝐮2, then using (1.4) one has

0 = (𝐮,𝐯)V+κb(𝐮1,𝐮1,𝐯)κb(𝐮2,𝐮2,𝐯)
= (𝐮,𝐯)V+κ(b(𝐮1,𝐮1,𝐯)b(𝐮1,𝐮2,𝐯)+b(𝐮1,𝐮2,𝐯)b(𝐮2,𝐮2,𝐯))
= (𝐮,𝐯)V+κ(b(𝐮1,𝐮,𝐯)+b(𝐮,𝐮2,𝐯)),

which for 𝐯=𝐮, since b(𝐮1,𝐮,𝐮)=0, gives


On the other hand for 𝐮2, taking in (1.4) 𝐯=𝐮=𝐮2, one has




which for |𝐟|V<1/(κM) yields |𝐮|V=0, that is 𝐮1=𝐮2. Denote the unique solution by 𝐮𝐟.

Thus we may define the solution operator


Here D0:={𝐟V:κM|𝐟|V<1}. In addition, since the trilinear functional b satisfies


one has b(𝐮,𝐮,𝐮)=0, whence taking in (1.4) 𝐯=𝐮=S(𝐟) we see that

(1.8) |S(𝐟)|V|𝐟|V.

Also using the linearity of b in each of its variables gives

= b(𝐮,𝐮,𝐰)b(𝐯,𝐮,𝐰)+b(𝐯,𝐮,𝐰)b(𝐯,𝐯,𝐰)
= b(𝐮𝐯,𝐮,𝐰)+b(𝐯,𝐮𝐯,𝐰).


|S(𝐟)S(𝐠)|V2 = (𝐟𝐠,S(𝐟)S(𝐠))
= (𝐟𝐠,S(𝐟)S(𝐠))+κb(S(𝐠)S(𝐟),S(𝐠),S(𝐟)S(𝐠))


|S(𝐟)S(𝐠)|V2 |𝐟𝐠|V|S(𝐟)S(𝐠)|V+κM|S(𝐟)S(𝐠)|V2(|S(𝐠)|V+|S(𝐟)|V)

As a result, if |𝐟|V,|𝐠|Vρ, then

(1.9) (12κMρ)|S(𝐟)S(𝐠)|V|𝐟𝐠|V.

Therefore, if 12κMρ>0, i.e., ρ<12κM, then the operator S is Lipschitz continuous on the ball of V centered at the origin and of radius ρ. Note that in the case κ=0, inequality (1.9) shows that the solution operator S is Lipschitz continuous on the entire space V. Let us introduce a notation for the Lipschitz constant, namely


Note that, in the case of the Stokes system, one has κ=η=0 and thus S is well-defined and Lipschitz continuous on the whole space V.

1.3. Notions of vector analysis in fixed point theory

In this paper we assume that the reader is familiar with Banach contraction principle and Schauder and Leray-Schauder fixed point theorems. However, we consider it useful to present some less known elements of vector analysis in fixed point theory. For more details we refer the reader to [36].

A square matrix 𝒜 with nonnegative entries is said to be convergent to zero if its power 𝒜k tends to the zero matrix as k tends to infinity. This property is equivalent to the fact that the spectral radius of 𝒜 is less than one, and also to the property that 𝒥𝒜 is invertible and its inverse also has nonnegative entries (here 𝒥 is the unit matrix).

A matrix 𝒜=[aij]i,j=1,2 of size two is convergent to zero if and only if

(1.10) tr𝒜<min{2, 1+det 𝒜}.

The property of being convergent to zero of a matrix 𝒜 is useful to pass from a matrix inequality of the form (𝒥𝒜)𝐮𝐯, where 𝐮,𝐯 are column vectors and the inequality is understood on components, to the inequality 𝐮(𝒥𝒜)1𝐯, without change of inequality. The notion is even more important since it extends to matrices the situation on real numbers 0a<1, asked on the Lipschitz constant in Banach contraction theorem. More exactly we have the following result, a special case of the more general Perov’s fixed point theorem:

Let k1 be a given integer, (X,|.|X) be a Banach space, and Xk:=X××Xktimes. If DXk is closed, and T:DD, T=(T1,,Tk) is a mapping satisfying the matrix condition


for all 𝐮=(u1,,uk),𝐯=(v1,,vk)D and some matrix 𝒜, which is convergent to zero, then T has a unique fixed point 𝐮D, i.e., Ti(𝐮)=ui for i=1,,k.

2. Navier-Stokes type equations with reaction terms

Consider now the problem

(2.1) {μΔ𝐮+η𝐮+κ(𝐮)𝐮+p=𝐡+F(𝐮)in Ωdiv𝐮=0in Ω𝐮=0on Ω

where 𝐡H1(Ω)N and F:H01(Ω)NH1(Ω)N. The problem can be reduced to the fixed point equation in V,

(2.2) 𝐮=S(𝐡+F(𝐮))

having in mind that the solution operator S is defined and Lipschitz continuous on the open ball of H1(Ω)N centered at the origin and of radius 1/(2κM).

Theorem 2.1.

Assume that F:H01(Ω)NH1(Ω)N, F(0)=0 and

(2.3)  |F(𝐮)F(𝐯)|H1a|𝐮𝐯|0(|𝐮|0,|𝐯|0<12κM)

for some constant a<1. Then for each 𝐡H1(Ω)N with

(2.4) |𝐡|H1<(1a)22κM,

equation (2.2) has a unique solution 𝐮V such that

(2.5) |𝐮|V<1a2κM.

First, we consider the case κ>0. Let ε be arbitrarily closed to 1/a with 1<ε<1/a, such that


Denote R=R(ε):=ε12κMε. Thus |𝐡|H1(1a)R. Clearly R<1a2κM<12κM, hence inequality (2.3) holds for all 𝐮,𝐯 in the closed ball BR of (V,|.|V) centered at the origin and of radius R. In addition, for 𝐮BR, one has

|𝐡+F(𝐮)|V |𝐡+F(𝐮)|H1|𝐡|H1+a|𝐮|V

Consequently the operator


is well defined in BR and for |𝐮|V,|𝐯|VR, using (1.9) one has

|T(𝐮)T(𝐯)|V L(R)|F(𝐮)F(𝐯)|VL(R)|F(𝐮)F(𝐯)|H1

Since aL(R)<1 (which can be checked easily), we have that T is a contraction on BR. In addition from (1.8) and (2) we have

(2.7) |T(𝐮)|V|𝐡+F(𝐮)|H1R,

which proves that T(BR)BR. Thus the Banach contraction principle applies and gives the existence and uniqueness of solution 𝐮 in BR, where R=R(ε)=1ε12κM. Since R(ε)1a2κM as ε1a, we obtain the existence and uniqueness of solution 𝐮 satisfying (2.5). This closes the proof in the case κ>0.

In the case κ=0, the operator T is a contraction on the entire space V and hence the solution exists and is unique in V. ∎

For the next result, instead of the Lipschitz continuity, we only assume a linear growth of F.

Theorem 2.2.

Assume that F:H01(Ω)NH1(Ω)N is completely continuous, satisfies the growth condition

(2.8) |F(𝐮)|H1a|𝐮|V(|𝐮|0<12κM)

with some constant a>0 and 𝐡 is as in (2.4). Then equation (2.2) has at least one solution 𝐮V satisfying (2.5).


As above, T maps the ball BR of (V,||V) into itself. In addition, the operator T is completely continuous. The result follows from Schauder’s fixed point theorem. ∎

A better result can be derived from the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem, without the linear growth condition on F.

Theorem 2.3.

Assume that the operator F:H01(Ω)NH1(Ω)N is completely continuous and there exists c<1 such that

(2.9) (F(𝐮),𝐮)c|𝐮|02(𝐮H01(Ω)N).

Then for each R>0 satisfying


where σ=sup𝐮BR|F(𝐮)|H1 and BR={𝐮V:|𝐮|VR}, equation (2.2) has at least one solution 𝐮BR for every 𝐡H1(Ω)N with

(2.10) |𝐡|H1(1c)R.

Moreover, any solution 𝐮 satisfies

(2.11) |𝐮|V11c|𝐡|H1.

For 𝐮BR, one has


Hence T is well-defined and continuous on the closed ball BR of V. Moreover, the Lipschitz continuity of the solution operator S implies that S is a bounded operator (it maps bounded sets into bounded sets) which together with the complete continuity of F implies that the operator T is also completely continuous on BR. (Recall that T(𝐮):=S(𝐡+F(𝐮)).)

Next we show that the Leray-Schauder condition holds, namely

|𝐮|V=RT(𝐮)λ𝐮 for all λ>1.

Assume the contrary, i.e. T(𝐮)=λ𝐮 for some 𝐮 with |𝐮|V=R and λ>1. Then as in (1.4) we obtain the variational equation


Choosing 𝐯=𝐮 in the above equation and using inequalities (1.7) and (2.9) one obtains

|𝐮|V2<λ|𝐮|V2 =(𝐡+F(𝐮),𝐮)

Since |𝐮|V=R, it follows that


a contradiction. Thus, the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem guarantees the existence of a solution.

To prove (2.11), assume that 𝐮V is a solution of equation (2.2). Then, as above, we find


whence the conclusion. ∎

Remark 2.1.

If F:L2(Ω)NL2(Ω)N and there exists a constant a0>0 such that


then using twice Poincaré’s inequality gives

|F(𝐮)F(𝐯)|H1 1λ1|F(𝐮)F(𝐕)|L2a0λ1|𝐮𝐯|L2

for all 𝐮,𝐯V and so condition (2.3) holds with a=a0/λ1(μλ1+η).


Analogously, if F:L2(Ω)NL2(Ω)N and


then condition (2.8) holds with  a=a0/λ1(μλ1+η).


If F:Lp(Ω)NLq(Ω)N is continuous and either p<2, q(2), or p2,q>(2), then F is completely continuous from H01(Ω)N to H1(Ω)N. This follows from the continuous (compact) embeddings H01(Ω)Lp(Ω) for p2(p<2), and Lq(Ω)H1(Ω) for q(2) (q>(2)). In particular, if F:L2(Ω)NL2(Ω)N is continuous, then it is completely continuous from H01(Ω)N to H1(Ω)N.

Recall that for N>2, 2*=2NN2, while for N=2, 2*=+. In addition, 12*+1(2*)=1.

3. A coupled system of two Navier-Stokes type equations

Consider now the system

(3.1) {μiΔ𝐮i+ηi𝐮i+κi(𝐮i)𝐮i+pi=𝐡i+Fi(𝐮)in Ωdiv𝐮i=0in Ω𝐮i=0on Ω(i=1,2)

where 𝐮 stands for the pair (𝐮1,𝐮2),𝐡iH1(Ω)N and Fi:H01(Ω)2NH1(Ω)N(i=1,2). The problem can be reduced to the fixed point equation in V2

(3.2) 𝐮i=Si(𝐡i+Fi(𝐮)),i=1,2,

where 𝐮=(𝐮1,𝐮2)V2, and Si stands for the solution operator corresponding to 𝐮iV. (Here Si is the solution operator corresponding to system (3.1) with fixed i, compare also with (2.1).)

Denote by (,)i and ||i the inner product (,)0 and norm ||0 corresponding to μi and ηi. Also denote by Mi the constant M with respect to the norm ||i of V.

Assume that the following conditions hold:


for i=1,2, one has Fi:H01(Ω)2NH1(Ω)N, Fi(0)=0 and


where ai1,ai2 are nonnegative constants such that ai1+ai2<1, and θj:=1/(2κjMj).


there exist εi>1, i=1,2, such that

(3.3) ε1a11+ε2a22<min{2, 1+ε1ε2(a11a22a12a21)}.

𝐡iH1(Ω)N and



(3.4) R:=min{R1,R2},Ri:=εi12κiεiMi.

The next result extends Theorem 2.1 to system (3.1).

Theorem 3.1.

Under assumptions (H1)-(H3), system (3.2) has a unique solution 𝐮=(𝐮1,𝐮2) V2 such that


First note that the operator Ti(𝐮):=Si(𝐡i+Fi(𝐮)) is well-defined on

(3.5) DR:={𝐮=(𝐮1,𝐮2)V2:|𝐮i|iR,i=1,2}.

Indeed, using (H1) one has

|𝐡i+Fi(𝐮)|H1 |𝐡i|H1+|Fi(𝐮)|H1
= RRi=εi12κiεiMi<12κiMi.

Also if T=(T1,T2), then T(DR)DR.  Indeed, if 𝐮DR, then according to (1.8) and the last estimate,


that is T(𝐮)DR. Next, again from (H1), we have




These inequalities can be put under the vector form


in terms of the matrix


Here, a direct computation based on the expression of Ri given by (3.4) shows that


and hence =[εiaij]i,j=1,2. Moreover, inequality (3.3), in view of (1.10), implies that is a matrix that converges to zero, equivalently, whose spectral radius is less than one. Therefore Perov’s fixed point theorem applies to T and guarantees that T has in DR a unique fixed point.

Again we recall that if κi=0 for some i{1,2}, one has that Ri=+. Moreover, if κ1=κ2=0, then DR=V2. ∎

Remark 3.1.

(a) A sufficient condition for (H2) to hold is that the matrix 𝒜:=[aij]i,j=1,2 is convergent to zero, i.e.

(3.6) a11+a22<min{2, 1+a11a22a12a21}.

Indeed, the strict inequality in (3.6) remains true if we insert, as condition (3.3) requires, the coefficients ε1,ε2>1 sufficiently closed to 1.

(b) A sufficient condition for (3.6) to hold is that ai1+ai2<1 for i=1,2. Indeed, summing up the two inequalities gives i,j=12aij<2, whence one has even more a11+a22<2. In addition, the inequality a11+a22<1+a11a22a12a21 also holds in view of its equivalent form a12a21<(1a11)(1a22) and of the assumptions a12<1a11 and a21<1a22.

Remark 3.2.

In the case of the Stokes type equations, when κ1=κ2=0, under condition (H1) with ai1+ai2<1for i=1,2, problem (3.1) has a unique solution for every (𝐡1,𝐡2)H1(Ω)2N.

If instead of the Lipschitz condition (H1) and of condition (H3) we consider the more relaxed hypotheses:


for i=1,2,  Fi:H01(Ω)2NH1(Ω)N is completely continuous and


1>ai1+ai2, 𝐡iH1(Ω)N and

(3.7) |𝐡i|H1<(1ai1ai2)θ(i=1,2),



then we can prove the existence of at least one solution.

Theorem 3.2.

Under assumptions (H1) and (H3), system (3.2) has at least one solution u=(𝐮1,𝐮2) V2 such that


In view of the strict inequalities (3.7), we may chose a number R with 0<R<θ such that


Then, as in the proof of Theorem 3.1, the operators Ti are well-defined and for T=(T1,T2) and DR given by (3.5) with R as above, one has T(DR)DR. Here in addition T is completely continuous, hence Schauder’s fixed point theorem applies and gives the conclusion. ∎

The next result is the version for systems of Theorem 2.3.

Theorem 3.3.

Assume that the operators Fi:H01(Ω)2NH1(Ω)N (i=1,2) are completely continuous and there exist ci,di0   with ci+di<1 such that that for each i,

(3.8) (Fi(𝐮),𝐮i)ci|𝐮i|i2+di|𝐮1|1|𝐮2|2(𝐮H01(Ω)2N).

Then for each R>0 satisfying

(3.9) σi(R)<θi(1cidi)R,

where σi(R):=sup𝐮DR|Fi(𝐮)|H1, system (3.2) has at least one solution 𝐮DR for every (𝐡1,𝐡2)H1(Ω)2N with

(3.10) |𝐡i|H1(1cidi)R.

Moreover, for any solution 𝐮=(𝐮1,𝐮2) one has the matrix estimate

(3.11) [|𝐮1|1|𝐮2|2](𝒜)1[|𝐡1|H1|𝐡2|H1],



and is the unit matrix.


We follow the same ideas as in the proof of Theorem 2.3. Here the Leray-Schauder theorem applies on the set DR.

For 𝐮DR, using (3.9) one has

|𝐡i+Fi(𝐮)|H1 |𝐡i|H1+|Fi(𝐮)|H1|𝐡i|H1+σi(R)

Hence T is well-defined and continuous on the closed subset DR of V2. Moreover, the Lipschitz continuity of Si implies that Si is a bounded operator (maps bounded sets into bounded sets) which together with the complete continuity of Fi implies that T=(T1,T2), Ti(𝐮)=Si(𝐡i+Fi(𝐮)), is completely continuous on DR. Next we show that the Leray-Schauder condition holds.

Assume the contrary, i.e. T(𝐮)=λ𝐮 for some 𝐮DR with |𝐮1|1=R or |𝐮2|2=R and some λ>1. Assume that |𝐮1|1=R. Then multiplying by 𝐮1 the equation


and using (1.7) gives

(3.12) |𝐮1|12<λ|𝐮1|12=(𝐡1+F1(𝐮),𝐮1)|𝐡1|H1|𝐮1|1+(F1(𝐮),𝐮1).

Furthermore,using (3.8) we obtain




Similarly, in case that |𝐮2|2=R we derive


Hence in view of (3.10), we arrive to the contradiction R<R.

To prove (3.11) we start with


which give


These can be put together under the matrix form


From the assumption ci+di<1(i=1,2) we easily can check that matrix 𝒜 is convergent to zero, which guarantees that 𝒜 has an inverse whose entries are nonnegative. Thus the multiplication by (𝒜)1 does not change inequality and yields (3.11). ∎

Remark 3.3.

Simple computation of (𝒜)1 shows that estimate (3.11) means explicitly:

|𝐮1|1 (1c2)|𝐡1|H1+d1|𝐡2|H1(1c1)(1c2)d1d2,
|𝐮2|2 d2|𝐡1|H1+(1c1)|𝐡2|H1(1c1)(1c2)d1d2.
Remark 3.4.

In the case of the Stokes type equations, when κ1=κ2=0, under condition (3.8) with the coefficients ci,di such that the matrix 𝒜 is convergent to zero, the problem has a unique solution for every (𝐡1,𝐡2)H1(Ω)2N. Indeed, in this case the operator T is defined and completely continuous on the whole space V2 and (3.11) gives the a priori bounds of solutions.

4. Navier-Stokes type model for fluid flow in bidisperse porous media

Now we come back to the specific model of Navier-Stokes type for bidisperse porous media. Thus we consider the following system

(4.1) {μ1Δ𝐮1+η1𝐮1+κ1(𝐮1)𝐮1+p1=𝐡1α1|𝐮1|p1𝐮1γ1(𝐮1𝐮2)in Ωμ2Δ𝐮2+η2𝐮2+κ2(𝐮2)𝐮2+p2=𝐡2α2|𝐮2|p1𝐮2γ2(𝐮2𝐮1)in Ωdiv 𝐮i=0in Ω𝐮i=0on Ω(i=1,2),

where 1p<21 (N3). Here for


we have Fi:H01(Ω)2NL2/p(Ω)N. Indeed, from H01(Ω)L2(Ω) we have |𝐮|p1𝐮L2/p(Ω)N.

Wishing to prove the existence of solutions we shall guarantee that all the assumptions of Theorem 3.3 can be satisfied.

First, since p<21, 2/p>(2), and so one has L2/p(Ω)H1(Ω) compactly. It follows that Fi is completely continuous from H01(Ω)2N to H1(Ω)N.

Secondly, if for some R>0 we take |𝐮1|1,|𝐮2|2R, then we have

|F1(𝐮)|H1 α1||𝐮1|p1𝐮1|H1+γ1(|𝐮1|H1+|𝐮2|H1)

where c1 is the embedding constant of the inclusion L2/p(Ω)H1(Ω) and c1~,c2~ take into account the embedding constants for VL2(Ω)N and VL2(Ω)N, respectively. Similarly




Third, we have

(F1(𝐮),𝐮1) = (α1|𝐮1|p1𝐮1γ1(𝐮1𝐮2),𝐮1)γ1(𝐮2,𝐮1)


(4.2) C=1(λ1μ1+η1)(λ1μ2+η2),

and analogously


Thus, in this example, one has ci=0, di=Cγi, i=1,2, and condition (3.9) holds if

(4.3) (1Cγi)R+αic1~Rp+2γic2~R<θi.

Therefore Theorem 3.3 yields the following existence result.

Theorem 4.1.

Let the coefficients μi,αi,γi>0 and κi,ηi0 be given with γi<1/C, i=1,2, where C is the constant given by (4.2). Then for each R>0 satisfying (4.3), system (4.1) has at least one solution 𝐮DR for every (𝐡1,𝐡2)H1(Ω)2N with

(4.4) |𝐡i|H1(1Cγi)R.

Moreover, for any solution 𝐮=(𝐮1,𝐮2)V2, one has


Notice that condition (4.3) is fulfilled if R is sufficiently small and that it can be chosen like this, according to (4.4), provided that |𝐡i|H1 are small enough. Thus we have

Corollary 4.2.

Let the coefficients μi,αi,γi>0 and κi,ηi0 be given with γi<1/C. Then problem (4.1) has solutions for each (𝐡1,𝐡2)H1(Ω)2N with small |𝐡i|H1.

If now 𝐡i are given arbitrarily, then (4.4) is fulfilled by some large enough R. Under this number R, condition (4.3) holds provided that θi are large (equivalently, κi are small, that is system (4.1) is close to a Stokes type system). Thus we have

Corollary 4.3.

For every coefficients μi,αi,γi>0 and κi,ηi0 with γi<1/C, and every (𝐡1,𝐡2)H1(Ω)2N, problem (4.1) has solutions provided that κi are small enough.

We note that in the case of the Stokes equations, when κ1=κ2=0, the above theorem guarantees the existence of a solution for every (𝐡1,𝐡2)H1(Ω)2N, under the only condition that γi<1/C for i=1,2. Recall that 1/C=(λ1μ1+η1)(λ1μ2+η2). However, a better result is the following:

Theorem 4.4.

Let κ1=κ2=0. Then problem (4.1) has a solution for every (𝐡1,𝐡2)H1(Ω)2N provided that

(4.5) γ1γ2<(λ1μ1+η1)(λ1μ2+η2).

In this case, the operator T being well-defined and completely continuous on the whole space V2, it remains to guarantee the a priori boundedness of the solutions of the equations  T(𝐮)=λ𝐮 for λ1. For any such a solution, one has


These can be put under a matrix form


The involved square matrix 𝒜 is convergent to zero if γ1γ2<1/C2, which is our assumption (4.5). Thus the above matrix inequality is equivalent to


which gives the desired a priori bounds. The result follows from the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem. ∎

Remark 4.1.

If in (4.1), α1=α2=0, under some suitable conditions on 𝐡1 and 𝐡2, one can obtain an existence and uniqueness result by using Banach contraction principle and a similar argument as in [19].

Finally we note that our analysis can be developed in order to treat some models of fluid flows in tridisperse porous media. Moreover, the analysis can be adapted to treat some models with variable coefficients in the anisotropic case. For a numerical approach related to such models we refer the reader to the paper [14] and the references therein.


M. Kohr acknowledges the support of the grant PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0993 (cod PCE 69/2022), UEFSCDI, Romania.

Data Availability Statements

Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.

Conflict of interest

On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest


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