Institute annual report 1965

updates: February ?, 2024. Main version: February ?, 2024.

Human resources

Institute Head: Prof. Dr. Tiberiu Popoviciu, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy

Papers published in 1965

Note: papers appear here either because the author was hired here (the approximate years were reconstituted by Prof. Dr. Ion Păvăloiu), or due to the List of papers of the Institute members and of the Institute collaborators.

  • O. Aramă, On an estimate of differentiable functions, with applications to the study of polylocal problems. I. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat17 1965 653–678.
  • O. Aramă, On an estimate of differentiable functions, with applications to the study of polylocal problems. II. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 1263–1276.
  • L. Bal, On a type of anamorphizable equations. (Romanian) Bul. Şti. Inst. Politehn. Cluj 1965 33–39.
  • L. Bal, M. Peter, Nomograms with transparency without graduated elements. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 851–861.
  • Şt.N. Berţi, Problems related to the study of normal sequences of digits. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 1429–1441.
  • Şt.N. Berţi, A. Ioanoviciu, Non-commutativity of transformations of Peano type. (Romanian) An. Univ. Timişoara Ser. Şti. Mat.-Fiz. No. 1965.
  • B. Azzola, M. Bocu, Gh. Farkas, J. Juhasz, M. Rosmann, Calculatorul electronic DACICC-1, A IX–a Sesiune de Comunicari a Institutului Politehnic Bucuresti, Bucuresti, 28-30 mai 1965.
  • M. Bocu, Gh. Farkas, M. Rosmann, Dispozitivul automat de comanda al masinii de calcul DACICC-1, Automatica si Electronica, nr. 5, 1965.
  • Gh. Călugăreanu, Considérations directes sur la génération des nœuds, Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., X, 4, 1965, pp. 389-403.
  • Gh. Călugăreanu, Sur une propriété métrique des ensembles connexes du plan, Hommage a M.O. Mayer a l’occasion de son 70-e anniversaire, Anale-Matematică ? 1965, pp. 113-117.
  • D.V. Ionescu, Sur la formule de quadrature de Gauss. (French) Mathematica (Cluj) 7 (30) 1965 43–46.
  • D.V. Ionescu, La représentation de la différence divisée généralisée d’une fonction par une intégrale définie dans le cas des nœuds multiples. II. (French) Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Phys. R. P. Roumaine 9 (57) 1965 31–57.
  • D.V. Ionescu, Generalization of a quadrature formula of N. Obreschkoff for double integrals. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 831–841.
  • D.V. Ionescu, La représentation de la différence divisée généralisée par une intégrale définie, dans le cas des nœuds simples. I. (French) An. Şti. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi Secţ. I a Mat. (N.S.) 11B 1965 165–184.
  • D.V. Ionescu, Carol Kalik, Ecuaţii diferenţiale ordinare şi cu derivate parţiale (manual), Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1965, 286 pp.
  • E. Popoviciu-Moldovan, Sur les classes d’ensembles interpolatoires qui sont comparables par rapport à leur n-valence. (French) Mathematica (Cluj) 7 (30) 1965 319–325.
  • E. Popoviciu-Moldovan, Sur la convergence de certaines suites de fonctions. (French) Mathematica (Cluj) 7 (30) 1965 327–331.
  • E. Popoviciu-Moldovan, Sur la notion de convexité dans la théorie des distributions. (French) Mathematica (Cluj) 7 (30) 1965 129–137.
  • A.B. Németh, A theorem on the solvability of the problem of lacunary interpolation. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 1411–1413.
  • L. Negrescu, I. Păvăloiu, A property of matrix schemes of algorithms. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 1405–1409.
  • L. Negrescu, I. Păvăloiu, On formal verifications of logical networks of algorithms. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 271–286.
  • V. Peteanu, Sur l’existence du centre généralisé de symétrie des figures planes convexes. (French) Mathematica (Cluj) 7 (30) 1965 315–317.
  • V. Peteanu, Sur le mode de convergence d’un procès itératif. Mathematica (Cluj) 7 (30) 1965 67–70.
  • T. Popoviciu, Sur les fonctions constantes par segments, Mathematica (Cluj), 7(30) (1965), pp. 333-340 (in French).
  • T. Popoviciu, Sur certaines inégalités qui caractérisent les fonctions convexes, An. Şti. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Secţ. I a Mat. (N.S.), 11B, (1965), pp. 155-164 (in French).
  • T. Popoviciu, Delimitarea erorilor de calcul în interpolarea prin polinoame şi aplicaţii la derivarea şi integrarea numerică, Editura Academiei, 1965
  • L. Negrescu, I. Păvăloiu, Asupra verificării formale a schemelor logice de algoritmi, Studii şi cercetări matematice, 17 (1965) no. 2, pp. 271-286 (in Romanian).
  • L. Negrescu, I. Păvăloiu, O proprietate a schemelor de algoritmi, Studii şi cercetări matematice, 17 (1965) no. 2, pp. 1405-1409 (in Romanian).
  • F. Radó, Einbettung eines Halbgewebes in ein reguläres Gewebe und eines Halbgruppoids in eine Gruppe. (German) Math. Z. 89 1965 395–410.
  • D. Ripianu, On bilocal problems in linear differential equations. II. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 1391–1403.
  • D. Ripianu, On bilocal problems for linear differential equations. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 1281–1295.
  • D. Ripianu, Un problème d’interpolation dans la théorie des équations différentielles linéaires. (French) Mathematica (Cluj) 7 (30) 1965 71–127.
  • D. Ripianu, Sur le problème bilocal pour les équations différentielles linéaires. (French) Mathematica (Cluj) 7 (30) 1965 357–373.
  • T. Rus, Equivalence of explicit schemes and trees. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 1415–1424.
  • T. Rus, A decision theorem in the theory of trees. (Romanian) Stud. Cerc. Mat. 17 1965 311–319.

Other publications

  • T. Popoviciu, Matematica ṣi automatizarea, Apărarea Patriei, 16 iulie, 1965.
  • T. Popoviciu, Cadre de specialiṣti, Scînteia, 13 martie, 1965.
  • T. Popoviciu, “DACICC-1” Calculatorul electronic construit de matematicienii din Cluj, Scînteia, 11 mai, 1965.
  • T. Popoviciu, Spre dispozitive de calcul ultrarapide, Făclia, 13 iulie 1965.
  • T. Popoviciu, Matematica în sprijinul producṭiei, Munca, 3 martie 1965.
  • T. Popoviciu, Matematica ṣi producṭia, Tribuna, 17 iunie 1965.
  • T. Popoviciu, Matematica pătrunde tot mai mult în economie, Romȃnia Liberă, 14 iulie 1965.
  • T. Popoviciu, Universitatea ṣi viitorii matematicieni, Scînteia, 29 martie 1965.
  • T. Popoviciu, “DACICC-1” se pregăteṣte pentru examenul de translator, Scînteia Tineretului, 30 martie 1965.

Prizes, outstanding achievements

  • (to be completed)
  • Oleg Aramă – premiul “Gh. Ţiţeica” al Academiei Române, 1965
  • Emil Muntean – premiul “Gh. Lazăr” al Academiei Române, 1965

Contracts at the Institute

  • (to be completed)

Editorial activity

  • (to be completed)


Conferences organized by the Institute

  • (to be completed) colocviile (??)

International scientific collaborations

  • (to be completed)

Prizes, outstanding achievements

  • (to be completed)

Membership in professional organizations

  • Tiberiu Popoviciu, SSMR member
  • ??, (to be completed)

Peer review

Members of international committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of national committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of PhD evaluation committees

  • (to be completed)

Members of PhD supervising committees

  • (to be completed)

Referee reports for peer reviewed journals:

  • (data not available)

Book reviews:

  • (data not available)


for the two major international databases.

For Mathematical Reviews:

  • (to be completed)

For ZBL Math:

  • (to be completed)